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Saudi Government opts for deescalation with Iran

7 Oct 2019 - 15:56

IRNA – Former Iranian Ambassador to Jordan Nosratollah Tajik said on Monday that Saudi Government opted for deescalation with Iran though they do not want to restore relations.

Tajik made the remarks in an exclusive interview with IRNA.

He said that regional and international developments such as US' internal developments, US administration passive conduct with demand of the Saudi government, the Saudi Arabia-UAE disputes, oil tankers and drone attacks conducted by Yemeni Ansarallah have forced the Saudis to opt for compromise foreign policy.

Saudi Arabia is now involved in some domestic troubles including dispute among youths and women, the minorities' issues, succession crisis and dissatisfaction of Saudi princes of Bin Salman have created a situation for Saudis to come to terms with the international community, he added.

Saudis assumed that it can take Yemen in some months, but it just left $70b expenses for them and brought about nothing.

On the other hand, they created an effective force in their neighborhood, he noted.

The prolongation of the war showed that Western intelligence and logistic support were ineffective and, on the other hand, their silence over the international catastrophe had created serious reactions in the public opinion in light of the heinous war crimes perpetrated by the Saudi-led coalition, he said.

During his visit to US and UK, the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman Al Saud spent a lot through institutions and public relations departments but all of them were destroyed by killing Saudi prominent journalist Jamal Khashoggi and a dark image of Bin Salman was drawn in the world, the former ambassador said.

Now Saudi Arabia wants to hold G-20 summit in Riyadh to solve this issue and to improve its image, Tajik said adding that it needs stability and due to Ansarallah's military power it is now impossible.

Saudis also tend to sell 5% of Aramco's shares to make up for the losses caused by Yemeni conflict and to add $100b in its financial system.

They want to gain the political support of countries in return to the concession they gave to the Western companies and in order to create some sort of alliance and support, but to no avail.

Referring to the background of war between Saudi Arabia and Yemen, Tajik said the two countries have so far have had six military confrontations none of which had winner and all of them were led to ceasefire by negotiations .

Now, in order to escape the Yemen quagmire, Saudis seek to get rid of conflict in Yemen and go ahead with peace talks, he added.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Iranian expert referred to Iraq and Pakistan good relations with Iran and Saudi Arabia, saying they do not want to spread the conflict between Tehran and Riyadh to their soil.

It seems that the US is seeking to bring tension between two countries under its own control, he added.

Story Code: 360846

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