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Iran, US poised to break decades-old ice: Activist

30 Sep 2013 - 11:42

An Iranian activist says President Hassan Rouhani’s visit to New York and his phone conversation with US President Barack Obama is expected to mend broken ties between Tehran and Washington.
“It seems that the ice of diplomatic stalemate between Iran and the United States is gradually melting,” Kourosh Ziabari wrote in a column for Press TV on Saturday.
He added that the world is convinced that “Iran has the political resolve and decisiveness to put an end to the nuclear controversy and also solve its other differences and conflicts with the West in general, and the United States in particular.”
Ziabari described Rouhani’s trip to New York to attend the annual session of the UN General Assembly as “a benchmark in the course of new administration’s efforts to restructure and renovate Iran’s relations with the world.”
“…The world is accepting the fact that Iran is finding its lost position in the international community and going to emerge victorious after one decade of hostile policies and behavior it has been unconstructively subject to,” he wrote.
Ziabari stated that a widely-expected resolution of Iran’s nuclear issue and the subsequent lifting of US-led “sanctions will be a great victory for the Iranian nation.”

In the first direct communication between an Iranian a US president since Iran’s Islamic Revolution of 1979, Rouhani received a call from Obama on Friday before leaving New York for Tehran.

The two presidents stressed Tehran and Washington’s political will to swiftly resolve the dispute over Iran’s nuclear energy program which the United States, Israel and some of their allies claim to include a military component.

Iran has categorically rejected the allegation, stressing that as a committed member of the International Atomic Energy Agency and a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty, it is entitled to develop nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

By Press TV


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Story Code: 54060

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