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Russia builds 5 power plants for Iran

30 Jun 2014 - 13:46

TEHRAN, June 30 (MNA) � Russian contractor Technoprom energy firm has negotiated construction of 5 power plants with Iran�s ministry of energy.

Two months after signing an agreement between Islamic Republic and Russia, Technoprom and ministry of energy met in the new rounds of talks on planning, installing, and operating of 5 power plants commissioned in Tehran- Moscow $ 10b agreement.

A Technoprom deputy-Director General who was visiting Eastern Azerbaijan province power plants told the press that the firm had constructed Ahvaz�s Ramin 2100 mW and Isfahan�s Shahid Montazeri 1600 mW power plants. �Russia is prepared to construct a new 1725 mW power plant in the province,� he said. �If the talks are positive, Technoprom will construct 5 power plants in the vicinity of Sahand power plant in Bonab and Tabriz power plant,� he said, asserting that �the province is an industrially-growing region, which necessitates adding to the number of power plants.�

Technoprom official also assessed Iran as a �pioneer� country in the Middle East in terms of power plant technology and facilities. �Russian Technoprom has the technical capability to construct�natural gas-fired�combined-cycle power plant, steam, geothermal�turbines,�boilers, and supply of spare�parts and small units,� the official said.

By Mehr News Agency


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Story Code: 103981

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