Wang Qun, Director-General of the Arms Control Department of China's Foreign Ministry, said that China is putting in "all efforts" to make progress on a lasting nuclear deal with Tehran.
LAUSANNE (Sputnik)�� Chinese negotiators at�the ongoing Iran nuclear talks in�the Swiss city of�Lausanne are putting in "all our efforts" to�make progress on�a lasting nuclear deal with�Tehran, the country's chief negotiator told Sputnik on�Saturday.
"Throughout the process we are contributing, and we put [in] all our efforts," Wang Qun, Director-General of�the Arms Control Department of�China's Foreign Ministry, said answering Sputnik's question.
Qun stressed that China has been actively seeking to�settle differences that are in�the way of�a framework accord. The sides have until�March 31 to�draft a political deal before�they proceed to�finalize a comprehensive agreement by�July 2015.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is coming to�Lausanne over�the weekend, Qun added.
"This round�of process China has been very forthcoming by�coming up�with a series of�proposals to�help to�bridge the gaps even at�this last stage. And this is the purpose of�my minister's coming here," Qun told journalists.
Iran has been increasingly under�pressure from�the six major world powers � China, Russia, France, Britain, the United States and Germany � to�prove that its controversial nuclear research is for�purely peaceful purposes.
By Sputnik