TEHRAN, Jan. 18 (MNA) � AEOI head Ali Akbar Salehi in a Mon. presser with Yukiya Amano said the fabricated case against Iran's nuclear program has been dissolved and the two sides have now entered a new phase of cooperation. The remarks were made by the Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi in a press conference with Yukiya Amano, the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),�in the Iranian capital on Monday.
Mr. Amano�s visit came immediately after the nuclear accord between Iran and the 5+1 group of countries was put into effect and the sanctions against the Islamic Republic were lifted on Saturday following the�IAEA confirmation of�Iran�s commitment�to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
�During the talks we held today, we decided to keep our eyes turned to the future and leave behind every other issue belonging to the past,� said Salehi.
The AEOI head went on to add that he has asked Mr. Amano to compensate for all the lost opportunities in its cooperation with Iran as a result of the twelve years of having built a fabricated case against Iran�s nuclear program.
Salehi further maintained that the two sides had discussed ways for future cooperation under the new circumstances and the desired roadmap was almost drawn.
According to Salehi, Amano will hold a meeting with President Hassan Rouhani Monday afternoon and pay a visit to the National Jewelry Museum in Tehran.
Salehi had said earlier that�Amano�s visit would be only a formality and he was not scheduled to visit any facilities while on his one-day visit to Tehran.
By Mehr News Agency