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NITC lends out oil tankers

3 Apr 2016 - 12:46

TEHRAN, Apr. 03 (MNA) � NITC managing director has announced that Iranian oil tankers will be lent out to foreign companies.

Speaking at a meeting with the members of National Iranian Tanker Company (NITC), Ali Akbar Safaei said �a five-year strategic plan as well as an investment program has been approved for the new Iranian calendar year (began March 20) which specify NITC's�approach in all sectors.�

�The comprehensive program has defined and codified all the issues related to the fleet of tankers, education and training of skilled manpower as well as financial matters,� highlighted Safaei adding �the plan covers a 2.5-billion-dollar investment in various sectors envisioning a bright future for the NITC in line with diversifying the income basket as well as development of activities.�

NITC managing director referred to the willingness of foreign banks and financial institutions to resume cooperation with the National Iranian Tanker Company emphasizing �NITC marks the�first Iranian company which�managed to resolve the problems related to receiving finance from foreign banks immediately after the JCPOA implementation.�

�Moreover, NITC is known as the first Iranian shipping company to have lent out its fleet of vessels to foreign companies following the lifting of sanctions,� stressed the official concluding �the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) has brought about the best opportunity for the expansion of international cooperation in areas of oil trade and transport.�

By Mehr News Agency

Story Code: 207666

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