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Trump either to sign waiver or pay price for leaving N-deal

17 Jan 2018 - 11:24

MNA – Head of Iranian Parliament’s Nuclear Committee said Tue. that US President Trump will either keep signing the waiver on Iran’s nuclear-related sanctions or he will be forced to pay the price for withdrawing from the nuclear deal.

Mojtaba Zonnour, who is also a member of the Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, in a radio interview on Tuesday stressed that if the US withdraws from the JCPOA, Iran would definitely stop implementing its nuclear-related commitments and would reconsider its cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

He added that his committee would pass a bill on leaving the Additional Protocol on nuclear safeguards, which Iran voluntarily signed up to, if Washington decided to cancel the nuclear agreement.

Zonnour was reacting to President Donald Trump’s reluctant move to waive Iran nuclear sanctions for the ‘last time’ unless the “deal’s disastrous flaws” were fixed; otherwise, the US would withdraw, Trump threatened on Friday.

Trump’s desired changes in the nuclear agreement includes “immediate inspections at all sites requested by international inspectors”, guarantees that “Iran never even comes close to possessing a nuclear weapon,” which Iran has stressed numerous times that developing nuclear weapons has never been and will never be on its agenda, “no expiration date” for these provisions, and subjecting Iran’s missile tests to “severe sanctions”.

“Rest assured that if the four conditions had any possibility to be met, Trump would have not signed the waiver this time,” he said.

He went on to add, “there won’t be any possibility for these changes to take place in the nuclear agreement in three months or ten years, and Trump will have to sign the waiver on suspending sanctions on Iran for the next time.”

Zonnour stressed that Iran would not remain in the nuclear agreement with the European sides if the US withdraws; “if EU has the ability to force the US to stay within the agreement, they have to do it now,” he stressed.

“Iran will not lose anything if Trump withdraws from the nuclear deal,” he added.

Story Code: 290326

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