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Judiciary Spokesman: Iranian-American Namazi not freed

4 Feb 2018 - 17:04

FNA- Iran's Judiciary Spokesman Gholam Hossein Mohseni Eje'i dismissed claims that Baqer Namazi, an Iranian-American, who was sentenced to 10 years of jail for spying and cooperating with the US government against Tehran has been released.

"He has not been released and he has (temporarily) been granted a leave like other inmates," Mohseni Eje'i told reporters in his weekly press conference in Tehran on Sunday.

He explained that the Judiciary had first agreed with a 3-day leave for Baqer Namazi due to his disease but extended it after his lawyer asked for another 3-day leave to continue his treatment.

"He has gone on a leave for overall 6 days but he has not been released," Mohseni Eje'i said.

He added that Namazi's ultimate release is no point of discussion.

Iran’s penal authorities granted a four-day leave on Sunday to Namazi because of his health conditions, Namazi’s American lawyer said.

The announcement by the lawyer, Jared Genser, raised speculation that the reprieve was a precursor to parole for Namazi, 81, but Mohseni Eje'i dismissed it.

Namazi’s son Siamak Namazi, 45, also a dual citizen, remains imprisoned too for spying and collaboration with the US government against Iran.

Story Code: 292563

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