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Iran condemns suicide attacks in Kabul

30 Apr 2018 - 21:59

IRNA � Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qasemi strongly condemned suicide attacks on Monday morning in Afghanistan's capital of Kabul, which left tens of people, including several reporters, killed or wounded.

According to a report by Foreign Ministry Media Department on Monday, Qasemi expressed sympathy with families of suicide attacks victims and extended condolences to Afghan nation for this inhuman crime and deadly incident.

He pointed out that Afghan people are still grieving terrorist attacks and underlined that regional stability depends on world community efforts to fight seriously with terrorism.

The spokesman said undoubtedly guided terrorism by some specific centers with aim to intimidate innocent citizens and expand instability in the region would not reach its goals.

On Monday morning a man on a motorcycle exploded his carrying explosives somewhere close to an educational center.

When rescue and relief forces as well as people gathered in the area to help the injured people and reporters were working on the magnitude of the crime, the second suicide attacker under cover of a reporter exploded himself between media persons.

According to the local media, three reporters and three photojournalists were killed in the second blast.

It is also reported that concurrent with Kabul explosions, another suicide attack took place in Kandahar Province, in south of Afghanistan, which killed 11 pupils.

Story Code: 303259

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