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Filternet: Internet situation in Iran

29 May 2013 - 16:24

What we deal with in our country everyday!

What is the definition and image you have in your mind from the word “Internet”?

I guess many of you will say; it’s a tool; we use it to achieve what we want. I’m telling this because when you look at something as a tool you think about its functionality and how it can help you to do something but most of the times we don’t think of that tool itself because it’s just a tool, we got it and we expect it works for us.

Internet connection in many countries is exactly that tool; you have it on your computer, on your mobile, you can choose the speed you need, you decide what to surf over the web and if you live in a free country you won’t be forced to obey others’ opinions on how you’re using this tool but there is a different situation in some other countries like China, Syria, Cuba and my country: Iran.

Let me tell you some of limitations we have in Iran:

This situation has reached a point that users in Iran call it “Filternet” instead of Internet!

I said all these to conclude something: having Internet connection in this century is a basic right for every human being. Free societies understand this and try to help their civilians have a better life; closed societies, like Iran, under the rule of dictators know this as a threat and limit it more and more; the immediate result is a huge amount of time and energy which is wasted in such countries every day.

If you live in a free country with a good access to Internet, please know what you have and as a human being ask your governments to put pressures on dictators in countries like Iran to stop this animal behavior with their citizens.

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