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Lawmakers call for decisive response to Wed. terrorist attack

16 Feb 2019 - 17:06

MNA – Iranian Parliament condoled the loss of IRGC personnel in Wednesday’s terrorist attack in Sistan and Baluchistan, urging related bodies to give a decisive response to perpetrators of the heinous attack.

“The global arrogance led by the United States and its regional agents paved the way for another terrorist attack against the Islamic Republic’s people and government,” reads the Saturday statement signed by 221 members of the Parliament.

It adds that terrorists once again displayed their ill will towards the Iranian nation.

The statement also urges security forces and judiciary branch to enhance their vigilance and to give a decisive legal response to perpetrators of this great crime.

A suicide bomber targeted a bus carrying members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps traveling on a road between two cities Khash and Zahedan in Sistan and Baluchistan province, which straddles the border with Pakistan. A car filled with explosives detonated alongside the bus, killing 27 IRGC personnel and wounding 13 others on the scene.

The so-called Jaish ul-Adl terror group, which is based across the border in Pakistan and is responsible for kidnapping Iranian border guards and carrying out other terrorist attacks of this kind in Zahedan over the past years, has claimed responsibility for the Wednesday night's terrorist attack on social media.

Story Code: 338716

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