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Iranian nation�s resistance has confused enemies: MP

10 Aug 2019 - 17:39

MNA � A senior Iranian lawmaker praised the nation�s resistance against all the economic sanctions and pressures, noting that this resistance has puzzled the enemies.

�Today the sworn enemies of the Islamic Establishment are puzzled by the way Iranian people behave and how they tolerate problems amid so many pressures and sanctions,� the Spokesman of Iranian Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Seyed Mohammad Hossein Naghavi said at a local event in Tehran on Saturday.

�Today, we are in the midst of a great confrontation where all the dominant powers have lined up against the Iranian nation, imposing the harshest sanctions in history on the Islamic Iran,� he said.

Enemies are after creating insecurity in the region, said the MP, adding that these efforts have been managed and handled by Iran. �To confront enemies� plots, we, in every position, should act like fighters in a war field and fulfill our responsibilities properly.�

Tensions in the region erupted after US implemented a series of hostile policies on Iran, namely the withdrawal from the nuclear deal, re-imposition of economic sanctions, deploying forces in the region, and designating IRGC as a foreign terrorist organization among others. Tehran says it doesn�t look for war but also stresses that it will strongly defend against any possible threats.

Story Code: 356248

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