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Tehran to give decisive response if US-E3 resolution approved

17 Nov 2022 - 19:59

Reacting to the recent anti-Iran resolution drafted by US and E3, the Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman warned that if the resolution is approved, Tehran's response will be decisive and effective.

Nasser Kan'ani reacted to an anti-Iranian resolution proposed by the United States, the UK, France, and Germany to the IAEA Board of Governors.

There is no justified technical reason or security urgency to present such a resolution against Iran, Kan'ani said, referring to the cooperation of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran with the Agency.

Undoubtedly, if the resolution is approved, Tehran's response will be decisive and effective, the Iranian senior diplomat also warned.

Undoubtedly, the United States, England, France, and Germany seek to abuse the recent situation in Iran to impose political pressure on the country, he said, warning that this action will have a negative impact on resolving the IAEA's issues.

At the same time, he reiterated that the Islamic Republic of Iran is committed to cooperating with the Agency based on Safeguard Agreement.




Story Code: 401740

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