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Iran says ready to play key role in Syria-Turkey reconciliation, urges political dialogue

4 Apr 2023 - 15:58

Tehran is ready to play a "constructive role" in promoting reconciliation talks between Turkey and Syria, says a senior aide on political affairs to Iran’s foreign minister.

Ali Asghar Khaji, who is in Moscow at the head of a delegation to take part in a quadrilateral meeting of officials from Syria, Turkey, Russia and Iran, made the remarks in a meeting with Turkish Deputy Foreign Minister Burak Akçapar on Monday.

He reiterated the Islamic Republic’s principled stance on pursuing political dialogue to settle the differences between Ankara and Damascus.

For his part, Akçapar highlighted the importance of continuing the Astana peace talks and called for more cooperation between Iran and Turkey in this regard.

Turkey severed its relations with Syria in March 2012, a year after the Arab country found itself in the grip of deadly violence waged by foreign-backed militants.

Now, after 11 years, the two neighboring countries are taking steps toward reconciliation.

Turkey has deployed forces in Syria in violation of the Arab country’s territorial integrity and has played a major role in supporting militants fighting the government of Bashar al-Assad in Syria.

The Ankara-backed militants were deployed to northeastern Syria in October 2019 after Turkish military forces launched a long-threatened cross-border invasion in a declared attempt to push militants of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) away from border areas.

Ankara views the US-backed YPG as a terrorist organization tied to the homegrown Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which has been seeking an autonomous Kurdish region in Turkey since 1984.

Iran supports talks to settle Syria-Turkey differences: Khaji

In another meeting with Syria’s Deputy Foreign Minister Ayman Susan on Monday, Khaji reiterated Iran’s determination to continue support for the talks held to settle differences between Damascus and Ankara through political channels.

The Iranian diplomat welcomed the ongoing openings in Syria’s foreign relations and enhanced stability and security.

Susan also briefed Khaji on Syria’s stance vis-à-vis the quadrilateral talks in Moscow and called for more coordination with Tehran in this regard.

Also in another meeting, Khaji and Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov voiced their countries’ support for the normalization of Syria-Turkey ties based on international regulations and the principle of good neighborliness.

The Iranian and Russian diplomats also stressed the need to peacefully resolve issues between Damascus and Ankara.

By Press TV

Story Code: 405281

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