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Iran mission to UN: All options on table if Israel wages war on Lebanon

Press TV , 29 Jun 2024 - 20:00

Reporter : Editorial of The Iran Project

Iran’s permanent mission to the United Nations has dismissed Israel’s threats of launching a war on Lebanon as “psychological warfare”, stressing that all options, including full involvement of all resistance groups in West Asia, are on the table in case of such military aggression.

According to The Iran Project, albeit Iran deems as psychological warfare the Zionist regime’s propaganda about intending to attack Lebanon, should it embark on full-scale military aggression, an obliterating war will ensue. All options, incl. the full involvement of all Resistance Fronts, are on the table,” the mission said in a post published on its official X account on Saturday.

Earlier this week, the secretary general of Iraq’s Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq resistance group warned Israel against waging a new war on Lebanon, emphasizing that the strategic interests of its main ally, the United States, in West Asia will be targeted in such a case.

“If America continues to support the usurping Israeli regime, and the Zionist enemy expands its assaults on Lebanon and Hezbollah, Washington’s interests in the region and Iraq will be in jeopardy,” Qais al-Khazali said.


Story Code: 424023

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