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Sources: Syrian army purges terrorists from Shebaa farms in Reef Damascus

18 Sep 2013 - 16:39

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army has purged Shebaa farms in Reef (countryside of) Damascus of armed rebels by adopting new tactics, military sources said.

“The army regained control of this region (Shebaa farms) … and destroyed the arms depot of the armed rebels,” a military source told FNA on Wednesday.

The source said that 200 armed rebels have been killed during the Syrian army’s mop-up operations in Shebaa farms, and added, “Shebaa farms cover a vast geographical area  and it stretches to the outskirts of Southern Ghouta district of Damascus …”

The military source underlined that Shebaa farms are important because they are at the crossroad where different areas of Ghouta district meet.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011 with organized attacks by well-armed gangs against Syrian police forces and border guards being reported across the country.

Hundreds of people, including members of the security forces, have been killed, when some protest rallies turned into armed clashes.

The government blames outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorist groups for the deaths, stressing that the unrest is being orchestrated from abroad.

Tel Aviv, Washington and some Arab capitals have been staging various plots to topple President Bashar al-Assad, who is well known in the world for his anti-Israeli stances.

By Fars News Agency


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Story Code: 51085

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