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Iranian, Russian deputy FMs meet for 2nd time in Geneva

16 Oct 2013 - 14:10

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Seyed Abbas Araqchi and his Russian counterpart Sergei Ryabkov held a second meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, to discuss issues related to the talks between Tehran and the Group 5+1 (the US, Russia, China, Britain and France plus Germany).

Araqchi met Ryabkov on Tuesday night after holding two sessions of high-profile meetings between Iran and the world powers in Geneva.

The two high-ranking diplomats had earlier on Tuesday met to discuss relations between the two countries, and underlined the need for bolstering and reinvigorating the bilateral ties.

Before meeting Ryabkob on Tuesday night, Araqchi who is the second man in the nuclear talks with the world powers met with Head of the US delegation Windy Sherman.

At the meeting, the two diplomats discussed the contents of the multilateral talks between Iran and the Group 5+1.

Negotiating teams from Iran and the G5+1 had two sessions of talks on Tuesday morning and afternoon.

During the meetings, Iran presented a three-staged package of proposals to the opposite sides which includes confidence-building measures for a settlement of the Iran-West nuclear standoff.

Earlier on Tuesday, Araqchi told reporters that the content of Iran's proposals is "confidential" and will not be released to the media for now.

Araqchi said the two sides have agreed to keep it secret until an agreement is made.

Yet, both Iran and the world powers have described the meetings today as "positive" and "constructive".

"Mr. Zarif had a PowerPoint presentation of the plan in details, the generalities of the plan were discussed in the morning session and the details will be studied by (the two sides') political directors in the afternoon," Araqchi said after the end of the morning session of the talks.

Araqchi, who is also the spokesman of the Iranian team, told reporters that "the negotiations were held in a highly positive atmosphere and the two sides were serious when speaking of their issues".

Araqchi said that the world powers have welcomed the general points of Tehran's proposals on the settlement the country's nuclear standoff with the West, adding that Iran is seeking to encourage the opposite side to pursue a common goal for the negotiations.

"The Group 5+1 member states welcomed the generalities of Iran's plan," Araqchi told reporters before the start of the afternoon meeting.

And then after the second session on Tuesday, a diplomatic source present in the negotiations said the delegations of the six world powers have shown a positive and constructive reaction to the details of Tehran's proposals.

"The atmosphere dominating the meeting was positive and constructive and the negotiations will continue tomorrow morning," a diplomatic source close to the Iranian delegation told FNA after the end of the second session of the Tuesday talks between Tehran and the G5+1.

"Both sides (Iran and the six world powers) showed a serious attitude during the meeting and negotiations and several questions and answers were asked and answered face-to-face," the source added.

The diplomat said the two sides discussed "the details of Iran's three-staged proposal" and "the Iranian side elaborated on its plan".

By Fars News Agency


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Story Code: 57785

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