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Iran rights priority in any nuclear deal, says Zarif

23 Nov 2013 - 18:22

Daily look at Iran's late-breaking news and upcoming events:

Zarif: Iran rights priority in any nuclear deal
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says Iran will reject demands that fail to recognize the country’s rights, assuring Iranians enrichment will never stop.

Police seize over 2 tons of narcotics in Southwestern Iran in 8 months
Iran’s drug combat squads have seized more than 2,000 kilograms of narcotics in the Southwestern province of Kohgilouyeh and Boyerahmad in the first 8 months of the current Iranian year (March 21-November 21), a provincial police chief said on Saturday.

China: Nuclear talks on final stage
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lee said on Saturday that talks in Geneva on Iran’s nuclear program are on final stage.

Zarif: Iran nuclear talks have entered “serious stage”
Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said this morning that it’s too soon to say whether an agreement would be signed but the arrival of his P5+1 (U.S., Britain, France, China, and Russia plus Germany) counterparts in Geneva shows that the talks over his country’s nuclear program have “reached a serious stage.”

Senior MP: Iran standing firm on uranium enrichment rights
Uranium enrichment is Iran’s redline and cannot go under negotiation in the talks with the major world powers in Geneva, a senior Iranian lawmaker said.

Rouhani says successful nuclear deal benefits all
Iran’s president has said a nuclear deal benefits region, the world, and the negotiating powers.

Iran-Sextet nuclear talks remain difficult: Hague
British Foreign Secretary William Hague says talks between Iran and six major world powers in Geneva over Tehran’s nuclear energy program “remain difficult,” stressing that the two sides have narrowed differences but the remaining issues are important ones.

MP: Terrorists seeking to foment sectarian strife through violence
Terrorist crimes committed by Takfiri agents are aimed at sparking sectarian strife and serve as a vehicle for Israel to take revenge on the resistance movement in Lebanon, said an Iranian MP in a message addressed to secretary general of the Lebanese Hezbollah.

Iran’s Navy boosts defensive capability with new warships
Commander of Iranian Navy Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said on Saturday that addition of new warships, amphibious vessels and helicopters to the Navy will boost the defense capabilities of the force.


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Story Code: 66430

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