A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by the AEI Critical Threats Project's Iran research team.
- IRGC Quds Force Deputy Commander Brig. Gen. Esmail Ghaani, addressing the 30thmemorial of IRGC Nasr 5th�Division Combat Engineering Unit Commander Brig. Gen. Mahmoud Sabilian, praised the spirit of martyrs, said that the regional conflicts of the last 15 years were aimed at conquering Iran, and blasted Iranian nationalists:
- �The wars of Afghanistan and Iraq, the events of Palestine and Lebanon, and the present situations of Syria and Iraq have been aimed at acquiring Islamic Iran and reducing the power of its religious influence among the hearts of the people of the world.�
- �America knew that the Baathist party and Saddam were its best servants. It was unable to conquer Iran from close [distance] and failed in spending 3,000 billion dollars in its wars.�
- �Some nationalists who constantly boast about the country claim that we have so many problems in Iran today that we will not achieve anything else!�
- �Whoever wants to escape war and responsibility in our country has become a nationalist.�
- Supreme Military Advisor to the Supreme Leader�s Representative in the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Maj. Gen. Yadollah Javani, in an interview with IRGC-affiliated media outlet Tasnim News Agency, discussed the crisis in Iraq and claimed that �Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) is a construct of Western, European, and regional countries with a specific goal to create crises in countries like Syria and Iraq�:
- �The most fundamental goal of takfiri currents and ISIL is confronting the movement of Islamic awakening and democracy in the region. ISIL took its first step in Syria and confronted a state whose most prominent characteristic was confronting America, Israel and supporting Palestine. It is creating a crisis in Iraq after failing to execute the goals of itself and its supporters.�
- �The statements of ISIL leaders to reach Iran and destroy the heavenly court of [eighth Shi�a] Imam Reza [in Mashhad] is a dream that they will take to the grave.�
- �Just as the Supreme Leader has stated, the main enemies of this nation and revolution are the Americans and the Zionists. These groups are deceived by the dominant system. They will receive a crushing response the day they lay their hands on the Islamic Republic.�
- Religious Seminaries Director and Qom Friday Prayer Leader Ayatollah Hashem�Hosseini Bushehri rejected cooperation with the US to support Iraq, because �we believe that America is the head of all seditions and such cooperation will not be possible.� He then claimed that ISIL�s mission is spreading �Islamophobia.�
- Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani�s representative and Karbala Interim Friday Prayer Leader Hojjat al-Eslam Ahmad Safi reportedly stated that�Sistani�s call on the people to join Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) against ISIL should not lead�to the formation of armed paramilitary forces outside of the legal framework.
- Safi added that the Shi�a clergy�s call to jihad encompasses all Iraq citizens and that is not limited to any particular tribes or sects because all of Iraq is at risk. He emphasized that�Sistani wants ISIL to be �immediately driven from Iraq.�
- Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization Deputy Nasser�Khadrnejad announced that pilgrimages to sacred Shi�a shrines to Iraq will cease beginning on June 22�[First day of Ramadan] for �a period of 15 to 20 days� due to �new contracts with Iraqi companies and also the reconsideration of hotels and accommodations.�
- Senior cleric Grand Ayatollah Mousa Shabiri Zanjani reportedly issued a written statementdeclaring that �any measures that cause the strengthening of takfiris are haram [forbidden].�
- Following the conclusion of the latest round of nuclear negotiations, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif�stated �There is agreement regarding the broader framework and there are no fundamental differences regarding the introduction. There are differences of opinion regarding the content and method of writing with regards to fundamental matters.� He added that the text has �more parenthesis than words.�
- The Permanent Representative of Iran to the International Atomic Energy Agency [IAEA] Reza Najafi stated that the latest IAEA report, scheduled to be released today, �will demonstrate that Iran has implemented its commitments based on the Geneva Accord.�
- An unnamed member of the Iranian nuclear negotiations team told state media�that progress has been �limited� with regards to writing a comprehensive nuclear accord based on the Joint Plan of Action (JPOA). The source stated that Iran and the P5+1 will continue the next round of negotiations, slated for JUL 2, �for as long as there is the need and it is felt that the negotiations are beneficial.�
- Atomic Energy Agency of Iran Head Ali Akbar�Salehi announced �it is time for the end of [IAEA] inspections regarding explosive detonators,� as Iranian statements have been �congruous� with agency findings.
- Tehran Interim Friday Prayer Leader Hojjat al-Eslam Kazem�Sedighi warned��I announce with certainty that [the United Arab] Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey will not be safe from this fire and this conspiracy will engulf them. They will fall in the hole that they have dug for us.�
- Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh reported the expenditure�of $30 billion in the 17 phases of the South Pars gas field, adding that Iran needs an additional $20 billion to complete the projects within three and a half years.
By AEI Critical Threats
The Iran Project is not responsible for the content of quoted articles.