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A look at Iranian newspaper front pages on Feb. 21

21 Feb 2015 - 15:09

IFP has taken a look at the front pages of newspapers on Saturday and picked headlines from 20 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.

Resumption of talks with the US in Geneva over Iran’s nuclear program dominated the front pages of Iranian dailies on Saturday. Foreign Minister Zarif’s comments that the US should opt for either talks or sanctions were in the headlines too. And reformist-leaning newspapers put on their front pages the comments of the grandson of the late Imam Khomeini on freedom, independence and religiosity.


Abrar: [Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas] Araghchi will meet with [IAEA chief] Yukiya Amano next week.

Abrar: Before talks with John Kerry, Foreign Minister Zarif will have a meeting with [his British counterpart] Philip Hammond.

Abrar: “Iran is among the world’s top 10 countries when it comes to building destroyers,” said the Iranian Navy commander.

Abrar newspaper 2 - 21- 2015



Abrar-e Eghtesadi: Imports of diesel have stopped.


Abrare eghtesadi newspaper 2 - 21- 2015


Aftab-e Yazd: The Supreme Court has overturned a death sentence issued against Gholamhossein Khaledi, a park ranger.


Aftabe yazd newspaper 2 - 21- 2015


Arman-e Emrooz: The grandson of the architect of the Islamic Republic has said that the late Imam shattered the idol of backwardness by issuing religious edicts on chess and music.


Armane emruz newspaper 2 - 21- 2015


Ebtekar: A wave of precipitation is sweeping the country. Snow is in the forecast for Tehran on Saturday.


Ebtekar newspaper 2 - 21- 2015


Etemad: The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran says it stands ready to have a more active presence in nuclear talks with P5+1.

Etemad: Qom is satisfied with Rouhani.

Senior Shiite clerics based in the holy city of Qom have praised the performance of the government and thrown their weight behind its economic policy as well as nuclear talks with P5+1.


Etemad newspaper 2 - 21- 2015


Ettela’at: A ban may be slapped on imports of certain products next year [starts late March 2015].

Ettela’at: “In the absence of freedom and progress, independence and religiosity won’t lead anywhere,” said Seyyed Hassan Khomeini.


Ettelaat newspaper 2 - 21- 2015


Farhikhtegan: Famous Iranian film critic and director Zaven Ghookasian has passed away.



Farhikhtegan newspaper 2 - 21- 2015


Haft-e Sobh: Temperatures in Tehran will plunge below zero Saturday night.


Hafte sobh newspaper 2 - 21- 2015


Iran: The president’s chief of staff has said that government takes account of the views of senior clerics in its decisions.


Iran newspaper 2 - 21- 2015


Jahan-e Eghtesad: “We’ll agree either on everything or nothing,” said Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.


Jahane eghtesad newspaper 2 - 21- 2015


Jamejam: A new Support for Family law has taken effect.


Jame jam newspaper 2 - 21- 2015


Jomhouri Islami: Phase 12 of South Pars gas field is complete and ready for inauguration.


jomhorie eslami newspaper 2 - 21- 2015


Kaenat: Natural gas exports to Iraq and Turkey have earned Iran $7 billion in foreign revenues.


Kaaenaat newspaper 2 - 21- 2015


Kayhan: “Officials should not be indifferent toward cultural issues in society,” said Tehran Friday prayer leader.

Kayhan: “Either sanctions or talks, the US needs to choose one,” said FM Zarif.


Kayhan newspaper 2 - 21- 2015


Khorasan: “ISIS got started through funding from our friends and allies,” said one-time NATO Supreme Allied Commander Wesley Clark.

Khorasan:Defending champions Iran have finished third in the world Greco-Roman Wrestling competitions.


Khorasan newspaper 2 - 21- 2015


Mardomsalari: “The leader is in on the details of the talks,” said Mohammad Javad Zarif.


Mardom salari newspaper 2 - 21- 2015


Resalat: “Bahrain has sent arms to terrorist groups in Iran,” said Allaeddin Borujerdi, the chairman of Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Committee.


Resalat newspaper 2 - 21- 2015


Sharq: President Rouhani has called for formulation of a national document on water resources in the east of the country.


Shargh newspaper 2 - 21- 2015


Tafahom: “Next year’s budget relies more on oil than before,” said Tehran MP Ahmad Tavakoli.


Tafahom newspaper 2 - 21- 2015

By Iran Front Page

Story Code: 152193

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