Newspapers on Monday covered the remarks made by President Hassan Rouhani in a visit to Western Iranian city of Kermanshah. The headlines highlighted Rouhani�s statements about the issue of economic corruptions as well as the country�s economic problems.
The remarks made by Deputy Foreign Minister Seyyed Abbas Araqchi about the nuclear deal with world powers were also a top story.
The issue of Turkish coup attempt and the reactions to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan�s crackdown after the coup also received great coverage today.
The above issues as well as many more are highlighted in the following headlines:
Abrar-e Eqtesadi:
1- Iran�s Winning Card from Turkey Coup: Iran�s Rival in Russia Goes One Step Back
2- Britain�s UKAS Breaks Iran Sanctions
3- End of Chinese Cars� Golden Age in Iran
Arman-e Emrooz:
1- Government Will Take Back People�s Money from Thieves: Rouhani
2- Rouhani Is the Only Chance Iranian People Have: Expert
3- In 2017 Elections, Rouhani Will Have More Votes than 2013: People Not Hopeful about Conservatives Anymore
1- Addition of a Penalty Article to Iran-Airbus Deal
2- Transparency without Fear: Experts Discuss Different Aspects of Iran�s Agreement with FATF
3- Leader Had Endorsed Changes in Red Lines: Nuclear Negotiator
4- Those Who Attacked Saudi Embassy in Tehran to Appear in Court Today
5- Zarif Briefs MPs on JCPOA and Regional Developments
6- We Won�t Forget Previous Robberies: Rouhani, Referring to Former Gov�t
1- Secrets of �Chalice of Poison�: 2 War Commanders Discuss Acceptance of 598 Resolution that Ended Iraqi Imposed War
2- And Now Erdogan�s Coup
3- Guerrilla Battle in Armenia
4- Lut Desert, Iran�s First Natural Site in UNESCO�s World Heritage List
1- Transparency Is the Solution to Problems: Rouhani
2- Ankara Accuses Washington of Playing a Role in Coup Attempt
3- If We Don�t Serve National Interests, Let�s Avoid Damaging Them: Deputy FM [on JCPOA]
4- 179 Saudi Hirelings Killed in Yemeni Forces� Missile Attack on Ta�iz
Haft-e Sobh:
1- Iran�s Ultimatum to Apple: If Apple Inc. Fails to Open Representative Agency in Iran, Sale of Its Products Will Be Stopped in Iran
2- Iran�s Lut Desert Inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage List amid Chaos in Istanbul
1- JCPOA Opponents Benefit from Anti-Iran Sanctions: Deputy FM
2- Protecting the Environment Isn�t Possible without Peace: Ebtekar
1- Rouhani�s Political Response to Trade Union Demands
2- 10th Day of Curfew against Kashmir�s Muslims
3- Zarif: Saudi Arabia�s Happiness with Turkey Coup Is Thought-Provoking
Jomhouri Eslami:
1- Gulen: Turkey Coup Was a Fake One Fabricated by Erdogan
2- Some Are Worried about End of Sanctions: Iran�s President
3- Iran in Talks with 4 Plane Makers
1- Rouhani Says All Sanctions Are Removed, Araqchi Says It�s on Paper!
2- Glorious Funeral Held for Selfless Firefighter
3- No One Hears Voice of Kashmir�s Shiites
4- Erdogan Starts Unprecedented Purge of Army and Judiciary
5- Central Bank Not Qualified to Make a Deal with FATF: Former Official
1- We Still Have Childish Leaders Who Are Slaughtering Yemeni People: Rouhani
2- 42 Killed and 1,400 Wounded in Kashmir Clashes
1- We Have Problems of Unemployment and Downturn in Iran: President
2- Removal of Sanctions Still on Paper: Araqchi
3- Americans Have Failed to Comply with Their JCPOA Commitments: Leader�s Aide
4- US Should Extradite Gulen If It�s Turkey�s Strategic Partner: Erdogan
5- Where�s Turkey�s Position in Muslim World? Where Will Turkey Head to After Coup?
1- Ballot Boxes Only Solution to Regional Problems: Rouhani
2- Remedy for Butterfly Wounds: Bandage to Be Provided for EB Patients for Free
1- Iranian People Stayed Awake All the Night: How Turkey Coup Attempt Turned to Interesting Topic for Iranians
1- Based on Latest Order, Iranian Ministers to Receive Monthly Salaries Less than $2,900
2- Zarif, Shamkhani, and General Soleimani Were Monitoring Turkey Coup
Sobh-e Now:
1- Zombies in the City: Where Pok�mon Go Came from
2- Zionist Media against Turkish President Erdogan
Vaghaye Ettefaghieh:
1- Female Politicians on Ruins Left of Male Politicians: Will Policies Change in West?
2- New British Gov�t Isn�t a Friend of Iran That Much [Editorial]
Vatan-e Emrooz:
1- Rouhani�s Reaction to People�s Protests: You Don�t Listen to What I Say!
2- Signs of West�s Support for Coup in Turkey; 6,000 Arrested in Post-Coup Purge
3- Repeated Violations of JCPOA; General Rezaei: Economic Issues Not Considered in JCPOA
4- Armenia: Hostage Taking or Coup?
By Iran Front Page