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A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on August 16

16 Aug 2016 - 16:59

Newspapers on Tuesday covered the ongoing visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s representative to Iran and his meetings with top Iranian diplomats. The majority of papers highlighted the purposes behind the visit, and pointed to the hopes for an end to Syrian crisis thanks to Iran-Russia-Turkey cooperation.

They also covered a controversial ICT conference, ‘Iran Connect’, due to be held in Tehran. There were reports that Iranian individuals whose names are in the international sanctions list are not allowed to participate.

The remarks about the positive and negative results of JCPOA have also remained a top story.

The above issues as well as many more are covered in the following headlines:



1- Iraqi Forces Tighten Siege on ISIS Terrorists in Mosul

2- American Officials Continue Criticizing Payment of $400m to Iran

3- ISIS Explodes 25 Iraqis


Aftab-e Yazd:

1- What Happened after JCPOA? Rouhani Answers:

2- Iranian Cheetah Covered by Insurance: Wildlife in Line of Insurance


Arman-e Emrooz:

1- Trump’s Unethical Behaviour Is to Iran’s Favour: Analyst

2- Secrets behind Visit of Putin’s Representative to Tehran: Iran-Turkey-Russia Axis to Be Formed about Syria



1- Parliament and Guardian Council Agree on Amending Law of Elections

2- Boeing’s 9-Member Delegation Visits Iran

3- Jordanian King: We Won’t Let Al Aqsa Mosque’s Division

4- Bogdanov’s Mission in Tehran: Deciding on Iran and Russia’s Regional Strategy



1- Ankara’s Offer, Negotiation in Tehran: Turkey Has Shown Flexibility by Offering a 3-Stage Plan for Syrian Crisis



1- Empty Silos Filled with Wheat

2- Haddad Adel [conservative]: I’m Ready to Negotiate with Aref [reformist] about Commonalities of Conservatism and Reformism



1- 20 Killed and Wounded in Saudi Airstrike on MSF Hospital in Yemen

2- 155 Industrial and Mining Projects to Be Inaugurated in a Few Days

3- No One Allowed to Sow Seeds of Frustration in Iran: Rouhani

4- There Are 300,000 Houses without Any Resident in Tehran



1- 8 Drug Addicts Die in Iran Each Day

2- Smuggled Cosmetics Contain Lead

3- We Won’t Give Licence to BBC Persian: Culture Minister

4- Gypsy Kings’ Concert Held in Tehran with Huge Number of Audiences Warmly Receiving the Spanish Band


Haft-e Sobh:

1- Midnight Nightmare: 3 Killed in Horrible Car Accident in Tehran; Police: Municipality Is 50% Guilty in Accident

2- Modern Pharmacies Declare War on Traditional Ones: Disputes Have Once Again Raged between Fans of Traditional and Modern Medicine in Past Month



1- Genius Wrestler’s Sad Farewell to Olympics: History Will Never Forget Hamid Sourian

2- Iran’s Oil Exports Hit 2.2m Barrels per Day



1- British Rule in Heart of Tehran; British Charge d’affaires Want to Implement Law of Sanctions in a Conference in Tehran and Prevent Participation of Iranian Sanctioned Companies!

2- Export of Oil for Free, the Great Achievement of JCPOA: Only 2% of Oil Exports’ Money Paid to Iran

3- English Language Should Not Be Promoted as Something beyond an “Instrument”: Analyst

4- Scenario of November 7 Election Fraud Becomes More Serious: Trump Urges Int’l Observers to Prevent Election Fraud in the US

5- Lifting the House Arrest of Opposition Leaders Is Off the Table: Former Vice-Speaker


Jomhouri Eslami:

1- Tehran, Centre of Dialogues for Final Resolution of Syria Crisis

2- Turkish PM: It’s Time to Improve Ties with Syria

3- Iran to Form Energy Consortium against the US



1- We’ve Not Asked for Foreigner’s Help, and We Won’t Do So: Rouhani

2- Turkey’s Investment in Iran’s Power Plant Sector



1- Do People’s Pockets [the money they can spend] Confirm the Official Statistics?

2- Canadian Analyst Eric Walberg: If West Wants Security, It Should Stop Supporting ISIS

3- Israel: ISIS Isn’t Dangerous, Hezbollah Is More Powerful than a Number of NATO Members

4- Erdogan Turns to Assad: Turkish PM Says It’s Time for Reconciliation with Syria



1- The Day Iran Smiled: August 16, the Anniversary of Return of War Prisoners to Iran

2- Disputes over Transfer of Telegram’s Servers to Iran

3- Rouhani: We Were Looking for Removal of Sanction Bases, Not the Sanctions per se

4- Surge of Tehran-Moscow-Ankara Talks on Syria



1- Iran’s Judiciary Official: We Should Be Waiting for “Very Great” Anti-Iran Sanctions by the US

2- Parliament Speaker: Submissiveness Is Fading Out in Region

3- Justice Minister: There Are 50m Bank Accounts with Unknown Identities


Rooyesh-e Mellat:

1- 250 Expatriate Iranian Scientific Elites Returned to Iran

2- Iran a Safe Crossing for World Trade

3- Negative Population Growth in Tehran



1- Rays of Hope for Peace in Syria: Political Moves of Iran, Turkey and Russia Promise End of Crisis in Middle East

2- Health Ministry: 65% of Those Suffering from HIV Are Drug Addicts


Sobh-e Now:

1- Foreigners in Iran’s Privacy: How Much Can One Trust Coach Surfing?

2- We’re the Only Non-European Country that Possesses Philosophy: Academic


Vatan-e Emrooz:

1- British Embassy Decides for Iran? ‘Iran Connect’ Conference in Tehran’s Espinas Palace Hotel: Iranian Individuals in List of Sanctions Now Allowed to Participate

By Iran Front Page

Story Code: 227239

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The Iran Project