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A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on July 14

14 Jul 2018 - 18:03

Iran Front Page - IFP has taken a look at the front pages of Iranian newspapers on Saturday, July 14, 2018, and picked headlines from 20 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.

The top story in all newspapers today was the visit of Ali Akbar Velayati to Moscow as the special envoy of Iran, who delivered messages from Iran’s Leader and President to Vladimir Putin. His comments after meeting the Russian president particularly received great attention, and were the focus of headlines in a number of papers.

Also a top story was US President Donald Trump’s visit to London, which outraged many Britons who took to the streets to hold protest rallies against the trip.

A meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and Trump’s comments during the summit also received great coverage.

The above issues, as well as many more, are highlighted in the following headlines and top stories:


19 Dey:

1- Putin to Visit Iran



1- US Threatens to Impose Sanctions on China, Russia, Europe If They Keep Importing Iran’s Oil

2- Foreign Ministry: Iran’s Missile Program Totally Defensive, Conventional


Aftab-e Yazd:

1- Afsaneh Nadipour Appointed as Zarif’s Senior Assistant



1- Imam Khomeini’s Grandson Highlights Necessity of Using Public Diplomacy to Achieve Global Peace


Donya-ye Eqtesad:

1- Great Bargaining in Helsinki: UAE, Saudi Arabia, Israel Trying to Mediate between Putin, Trump



1- A Report on Trump’s European Tour

2- Faghani to Make History by Officiating Third-Place FIFA World Cup Match



1- Health Is People’s Right: Gov’t Resolved to Fight Signal Jamming

2- London Did Not Welcome Trump



1- Russia Ready to Make Macro-Investment in Iran’s Oil, Gas Industries

2- People in London Hold Massive Protest Rallies against Trump’s Visit



1- London’s Unpopular Guest: US President’s Visit Outrages Britons

2- 5,000 Men Beat by Their Wives in Iran Last Year



1- Velayati after Meeting Putin: We’ll Expel US from Middle East

2- 60 Cities in Britain against US President


Jomhouri Eslami:

1- Indian National Congress Party Supports Oil Imports from Iran



1- Velayati in Moscow: If Iran Can’t Export Oil, No One in Region Can Do So

2- Total Says It Respects US’ Decision and Leaves Iran!



1- Lebanese Hezbollah’s Wounded War Veteran Meets with Iran Leader



1- Government Unveils 12 Plans to Counter US Sanctions



1- Price of Flower in Iran 6 Times Higher than Netherlands



1- Russia to Make $50 Billion Investment in Iran


Setareh Sobh:

1- NATO Threatens Iran, Russia



1- Velayati: Iran Not Interested in Holding Talks with US

2- Trump: Iranians Will Finally Call Me



1- 17% of Business Licences Issued for Women


Sobh-e Now:

1- Diplomatic Initiative to Counter US

Story Code: 312112

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