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A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on August 26

26 Aug 2018 - 14:21

Iran Front Page - IFP has taken a look at the front pages of Iranian newspapers on Sunday, August 26, 2018, and picked headlines from 14 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.

Iranian papers today covered the upcoming appearance of President Hassan Rouhani in the Parliament (Tuesday), and the impeachment of his economy minister (Sunday).

Also a top story was the possible impeachment of US President Donald Trump over the political and ethical scandals surrounding him.

The refusal of two major US banks to obey Trump’s sanctions on Iran and cutting Tehran’s access to the US dollar also received great coverage.

The above issues, as well as many more, are highlighted in the following headlines and top stories:



1- EU to Offer €18m in Aid to Iran


Aftab-e Yazd:

1- How Iranian Carmakers Are Overcharging Their Customers for Non-Standard Cars

2- Lawmakers Banned from Using Cell Phones in Parliament


Arman-e Emrooz:

1- Imam Khomeini’s Grandson: We Shouldn’t Make People Hopeful about Resolution of Crises

2- Rouhani: We’re Aware of People’s Pains


Donya-ye Eqtesad:

1- Two Major US Banks Say No to Trump’s Sanctions

2- Obama’s Conspiracy or Trump’s Illusion?



1- Russia Warns about US, UK, France’s Preparations for Attacking Syria

2- Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani’s House Turned into Museum on His Birthday



1- Rouhani to Political Parties: Don’t Distance Yourself from Government

2- Ahmadinejad’s Former Chief of Staff Rahim-Mashaei Takes Off His Shirt in Court



1- Two Major US Banks Refuse to Cut Iran’s Access to Financial Markets

2- UNICEF to Saudi Arabia: Stop Killing Children in Yemen


Jame Jam:

1- Iran to Build Passenger Plane in Five Years: Official

2- Beyond Winning Medals: A Report on Iranian Athletes’ Ethics in Jakarta



1- China, Russia, and Now India and Germany Seeking to Ditch US Dollar!

2- Foreigners’ Reaction to American Censorship

3- Iranian Weightlifter, Karate Athlete Win Two Gold Medals


Jomhouri Eslami:

1- Who Will Impeach Trump?

2- Chomsky: Trump Is a Narcissist, Declining President



1- Pakistan FM: We’ve Turned to the East; Westerners Shouldn’t Have Same Old Expectations

2- Veteran Influential Iraqi Officer Prevents 30 ISIS Suicide Attacks



1- Truths, Lies about Chinese Fishermen in Iranian Waters

2- Rouhani to Appear in Parliament on Tuesday



1- Impeachment of Economy Minister ahead of Rouhani’s Appearance in Parliament

2- Unveiling the Bastard: CNN Reveals Trump’s New Scandal

3- Su-25 Fighter Jets Offered to Iraq to Defend Baghdad


Vatan-e Emrooz:

1- Powerful Like Weightlifter Sohrab Moradi

Story Code: 317134

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