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A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 21

21 Oct 2018 - 16:01

Iran Front Page - IFP has taken a look at the front pages of Iranian newspapers on Sunday, October 21, 2018, and picked headlines from 15 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.

The top story in all papers today was Saudi Arabia’s confession of the murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Kingdom’s consulate in Istanbul.

Several papers also covered the resignation of Iranian Roads and Urban Development Minister Abbas Akhondi, which was later accepted by President Hassan Rouhani.

The US Intelligence’s claim that Iran, Russia, and China have interfered in the US elections also received great coverage.

The above issues, as well as many more, are highlighted in the following headlines and top stories:



1- Iran’s Expediency Council Reviewing CFT Bill

2- British Embassy in Tehran Welcomes FATF’s Decision


Aftab-e Yazd:

1- Four Ministries without a Minister

2- Saudis: Rogue People Killed Khashoggi!


Arman-e Emrooz:

1- Retired People Should Even Leave Office or Go to Jail



1- Adel al-Jubeir May Fall Victim to Bin Salman’s Ambitions



1- Saudi Media Empire against Iran: Persian-Language Media Turned into Bin Salman’s Warfare

2- Victims of Crown Price: Saudi Arabia Arrests 18 for Murder of Dissident Journalist



1- Confession of Murder: Saudi Regime Breaks Its Silence after 18 Days

2- Iranian Elites Claim Title in World Math Competition

3- Iran Calls for Immediate Arrest of Those Who Abducted Border Guards

4- We Killed 300 Palestinians in 3 Minutes: Former Israeli PM



1- Common Fates of Trump, Bin Salman



1- World Laughed When Human Rights Slaughtered

2- Trump: We Need Saudi Arabia to Counter Iran!

3- US Accuses Russia, China, Iran of Interfering in Its Elections


Jomhouri Eslami:

1- Bin Salman’s Bribe to White House Worked

2- Trump, Al Saud Have Probably Colluded over Khashoggi’s Case



1- After 5 Years of Damage: Roads Minister Says He Can’t Work with Rouhani!

2- Trump Used to Say There Are Riots in Iran Every Day; Now He’s Changed It to Every Week!

3- American Lady: Yemeni Children! I Apologize to You on Behalf of My Government



1- Saudi Confession



1- Goodbye Pampers Party! Rich Families in Iran Holding Luxury Parties for Their Babies!

2- Does Turkish Petrol Have Higher Quality?



1- Political Resignation of an Economic Minister

2- US Intelligence’s New Claim: Iran Interfering in US Elections

3- What Do Sanctions Do to Iran’s Oil? [Editorial]



1- Iran’s Global Ranking in Index of Economic Freedom Improves by 19 Positions


Vatan-e Emrooz:

1- Yes We Killed Him! Saudi: Crown Prince Didn’t Know about It!

Story Code: 324039

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