20 Sep 2024
Saturday 4 April 2015 - 15:12
Story Code : 158332

Egypt hopes Iran nuclear deal to boost stability in Middle East

Egypt believes that the framework agreement between Iran and the P5+1 group has a potential to bring stability to the Middle East.

CAIRO (Sputnik) Egypt hopes that a final nuclear agreement betweenIran and the P5+1 group will be reached withinthe deadline and help bring stability tothe region, the Egyptian foreign ministry said.

Egypt hopes fora final agreement tobe reached byJune 30, which will contribute tothe establishment ofstability inthe Middle East and prevent a never-ending arms race, the ministry said Friday, asquoted byMENA.

The deal would also help make the Middle East a region free ofnuclear weapons, which Egypt repeatedly has called for, the ministry added.

Iran and the P5+1 group ofinternational negotiators, namely Russia, the United States, China, France, the United Kingdom and Germany, reached a framework ofan agreement onTehrans nuclear program inSwitzerland onThursday.The Islamic Republic agreed, amongother things, tocut the number ofcentrifuges bymore thantwo-thirds in10 years, aswell asnot toenrich uranium over3.67 percent for15 years.

Iran has long been accused oftrying todevelop nuclear weapons underthe guise ofa civilian nuclear program, claims it has repeatedly rejected.

The deadline toreach a final agreement that would guarantee the peaceful nature ofthe Tehran's nuclear activities is set forJuly 2015, afterbeing repeatedly postponed.

By Sputnik News

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