Iranian national, Shahrzad Mir-Qolikhan, who spent five years in US detention from 2007 to 2012, tells of abuse and poor sanitary conditions in American prisons.
In the seventh episode of the Press TV documentary titled Memories of a Witness: Inside US Federal Prisons, in which she recounts her ordeal, Mir-Qolikhan, now 36, said the hygienic conditions ...
Iranian national, Shahrzad Mir-Qolikhan, who spent five years in US detention from 2007 to 2012, says she experienced awful conditions in American federal prisons.
In the fifth episode of a Press TV documentary titled Memories of a Witness: Inside US Federal Prisons, in which she recounted her ordeal, Mir-Qolikhan, now 36, said the hygienic conditions ...
Iranian national Shahrzad Mir-Qolikhan, who spent five years in US detention from 2007 to 2012, says she was held in prison like a caged animal.
In a Press TV documentary titled Memories of a Witness: Inside US Federal Prisons, in which she recounts her ordeal, Mir-Qolikhan, now 36, said she would have been treated more appropriately were she a real ...
Iranian national Shahrzad Mir-Qolikhan, who spent five years in US detention from 2007 to 2012, says she was treated disrespectfully when she arrived at Miami International Airport.
In a Press TV documentary entitled Memories of a Witness: Inside US Federal Prisons, in which she recounts her ordeal, Mir-Qolikhan, now 36, said she had a feeling that ...
Iranian national Shahrzad Mir-Qolikhan, who spent five years in US detention from 2007 to 2012, describes the United Arab Emirates (UAE) government as the country where there is no international law, Press TV reports.
In a Press TV documentary, entitled "Memories of a Witness: Inside US Federal Prisons," in which she recounts her ordeal, Mir-Qolikhan,...
Shahrzad Mir-Qolikhan, the Iranian woman who was held in detention inUS from 2007 to 2012, says secret agents framed her in Vienna, where she was interpreting at a business meeting for her husband, Press TV reports.
In a Press TV documentary in which she recounts her ordeal, Mir-Qolikhan, 36, said she was arrested in Vienna in 2007 based on a ...