1 Apr 2025
Thursday 30 April 2015 - 15:38
Story Code : 162945

Deal with Iran would not move jews toward GOP

Andrew Kohut, founding director of the Pew Research Center and director of Pews Global Attitudes Project, wrote a piece last week for Real Clear Politics asking, Would Iran Deal Imperil Jews Loyalty to Democratic Party? On first blush, this sounds like a clickbait headline. But Kohut is a well-respected pollster working for a well-respected, and emphatically non-partisan, public opinion research think tank. Could he be on to something?

Probably not. Kohut fails to confirm the hypothesis he proposes in his headline. Moreover, he spends most of his piece presenting evidenceagainsthis headline speculation that the proposed deal with Iran could significantly weaken long-standing Jewish American allegiances to the Democratic Party. By suggesting such a change, he is insinuating that Jews are single-issue voters, and that issue is Israel.

The reason this headline is clickbait is that American Jews have long been aligned with the Democratic Party and actually tend to be on the left wing of the left-leaning party. Suggesting that an Iran deal might be enough to shake long-standing Jewish support for the Democratic Party is tantamount to suggesting that evangelical Christians might start turning out for Hillary Clinton next autumn: its theoretically possible, but rather unlikely.

Kohut is not the first to speculate on such a trend;The Atlanticasked the same questionback in November, and The Fix atThe Washington Postposed it in January. Why might we think Jews are moving toward the Republican party? Consider the data from Gallup:

Gallup-Jewish Voters Toward GOP.2008-14

On first glance, the evidence suggests a clear decline in Jewish affinity with the Democratic party from 71% to 61% over six years, mirrored by a rise in Republican affiliation from 22% to 29%. Notice, however, that the time scale is relatively brief and begins in 2008, the year President Obama was elected.

American Jews have two political characteristics that are important here. According tostudies by Pewand others, they (we) tend to bestrongly liberalthere are more than twice as many self-identified liberals as conservatives in the small population of American Jewsand we tend to behighly politically engaged. Jews,according toJohns Hopkins political scientist Benjamin Ginsberg, account for a huge share of the activist base of the Democratic Party and account for much of the money available to Democratic candidates,

These two characteristics are key to understanding the Gallup graph above because politically engaged liberal voters are the group most likely to be disappointed in and disillusioned with an Obama presidency, regardless of their religious or ethnic affiliations. These voters believed most strongly in the Obama campaigns message of change and worked hardest to inspire middle-of-the-road and undecided voters to turn out for his election in 2008. These same voters have been disappointed by the Presidents policies on domestic surveillance and drone strikes, and have discovered that they are to his left on economic issues.

The decline pictured above more likely represents Jewish disillusionment with the Obama presidency than a permanent shift toward Republican alignment. Indeed, the same trend is present in the general population over the same period. Its just slightly more pronounced among Jews (probably for the liberal, politically-engaged reasons above).

If Kohut were correct that Jews are headed to the right and an Iran deal is the last push that will get them over the line, we would expect to see a long, clear trendin this case, a decline in Democratic support over a decade or moreor else a sharp descent triggered by a major shift in the political landscape. Although negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program are historic, they are by no means a major shift in the domestic political landscape. Nor, indeed, are recent Republican efforts to court the Jewish vote by becoming BFFs with Netanyahu all that revolutionary.

As for the formera long-term trendKohut himself admits that, despite growing support for Israel among Republicans over the past decade, there is little sign that Jews have become more attracted to the Republican Party in recent years. He demonstrates how little change theres been with data from his own Pew Research Center:

Pew-Jewish Dem Leanings.1992-2014

Jews are about as Democratically-aligned now as they were 20 years ago. If the Republicans were to make a serious play for Jewish loyalty, they would have to bridge a 30-point chasm in political identity.

And its not just Kohuts own polling shop that demonstrates this stability in allegiance.A study for the Solomon Projectin July 2012 examined Jewish American voting behavior between 1972 and 2008. Correcting for third-party candidates, this study found that there were two distinct periods in Jewish presidential voting. Between 1972 and 1988, the GOP captured 3146% [of the two-party Jewish presidential vote]but only 1624% from 1992 to 2008. In other words, Jews have becomeeven more Democratic in the last 20 years than they had been before. Furthermore, Jewish voters remain much more Democratic than the rest of the electorate (on the order of 2232 points more Democratic in presidential races since 1984). AndJews have been even more supportive of Democratic congressional candidatesthan of presidential;7188%of the Jewish vote has gone to Democratic congressional candidates since 2002.

What Kohut is insinuatingwhat one must insinuate in order to believe this predictionis that American Jews are single-issue voters, and that that issue is Israel. Its a common myth in the media, but it doesnt fit the facts. Even Kohut tells us that, While most Jews are indeed strong backers of Israel, the polling data suggests that the generally liberal ideology of Jewish Americans continues to align with their long-standing affinity to the Democratic Party. Whats more, as Ester Fuchs, political scientist at Columbia University,points out inThe Atlantic, Efforts to shift the Jewish vote over to Israel havent really workedThe more assimilated Jews are, the less important Israel is to them.

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