4 Mar 2025
Tuesday 5 May 2015 - 15:59
Story Code : 163519

Iranian doc follows Afghan fighters in Syria

An Iranian government-owned TV stationrecentlyaired a documentary about the role of Shiite fighters from Afghanistan in the Syrian civil war. The 23-minute video, "Moalem" ("Teacher"),tells the storyof aShiite fighter from Afghanistanwho has been fighting in Syria for the past three years.

The documentary,aired by Ofogh TV an unofficial media armof theIslamic Revolutionary Guard Corpsindirectly shows how theIRGCestablished the FatemionBrigade, made up of Shiite fighters from Afghanistan, to support Syrian PresidentBasharal-Assad. This is probably the first time that the Iranian government has aired materialthat clearly shows that paramilitary forces from other countries are in Syriasupporting Irans ally Assad.

"Moalem"describes how theRif Dimashqcity of al-Malihah,home to 20,000,was conquered. The protagonistsays,We fought for seven months until we were finally able to liberate al-Malihah. We closed in on the city from three sides and about 50 of our fighters were martyred before we liberated the city. The soldiers of the Fatemion Brigade had promised Sayyida Zaynab[the sister of Imam Hussein]that they wouldliberate the city. Al-Malihah is very important strategically and the opposition tried very hard to hold onto it. The Syrian army took action first and then the [Iraqi Shiiteparamilitary]joined in and finally theforces of Hezbollah arrived. However, nothing could be done and eventually the Fatemion Brigade entered the field and liberated the city.

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This article was written by Farahmand Alipour for Al-monitor on May 5, 2015. Farahmand Alipour is an Iranian journalist in Italy, where he specializes in news and analysis on Iran and the Middle East.

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