23 Feb 2025
Thursday 13 August 2015 - 11:24
Story Code : 175794

Possible scenarios for US after congress vote on Iran nuclear deal

With the US Congressional approval of the nuclear deal on Iran still pending, experts mull over possible implications of the vote on the US clout in the world.

MOSCOW (Sputnik), Anastasia Levchenko The Republican-controlled Congress has untilmid-September toapprove or disapprove the nuclear deal reached bythe P5+1 group ofcountries comprising the United States, Russia, China, France and the United Kingdom plus Germany and Iran inmid-July afterdecade-long negotiations.


If the Congress fails toapprove the nuclear deal onIran, the United States will most likely lose its influence onallies aroundthe world and stay onthe sidelines ofinvigorating trade relations inEurasia, experts say.

"If the deal is rejected bythe US, the way togo is further Eurasia integration, withIran an active part ofit, and less and less Eurasia-wide trading involving the US dollar, which is a process already inmotion anyway," Pepe Escobar, analyst onIranian issues and contributor forAsia Times and a number ofother outlets, told Sputnik onWednesday.

European allies ofthe United States already consider the deal asfait accompli, and are actively preparing todo major business inand withIran, the expert noted. Therefore, sanctions maintained unilaterally byWashington will never be taken seriously and never be followed byBrussels.

According toEscobar, Europe has already lost faith insanctions asan efficient political instrument, so widely used bythe US authorities. Europeans saw inthe cases ofCuba, Russia and Iran that sanctions, asa weapon ofUS choice, backfire.

"In the case ofIran, what they want now is business," Escobar said.

Moreover, declining ofthe deal bythe United States may have an effect onother aspects ofthe US foreign policy. For example, Washington may lose the European bloc asa partner inthe ongoing economic crisis, Gareth Porter, a historian and author who has extensively written aboutIran-related issues, told Sputnik.

"It [defeat ofthe nuclear deal] would certainly lead tosome reduction inUS diplomatic influence overEuropean policy, so some effect onEuropean policy towardUkraine might be a logical consequence," Porter said.

On Tuesday, US Secretary ofState John Kerry said duringa news conference that a possible congressional refusal ofthe Iran deal would lead todangerous forthe United States consequences, such asmarring relations withEuropean allies and weakening ofdollar asthe worlds reserve currency.



If the Congress rejects the deal, it would definitely come asa victory forIsraeli and Saudi lobbies, which can prompt the two countries tomore hawkish foreign policies.

"Should the Israeli lobby prevail inthis vote bygetting two thirds ofthe Congress toreject the agreement, it might well embolden Netanyahu [Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's Prime Minister] aswell asSaudi Arabia topursue even more extreme policies inlight ofthe declining ability ofthe Obama administration tocontrol its own foreign policy," Porter told Sputnik.

The position ofthe two lobbies inthe Congress is indeed strong, and Kerry "cannot directly criticize those who are raising hell inWashington againstthe deal," Escobar noted.



Nevertheless, the Obama administration seems tohave secured the necessary amount ofswing votes inthe Congress toavoid disapproval ofthe deal. Therefore, all the negative scenarios described abovewill most likely remain just theoretical conclusions.

"The Obama administration has been so afraid ofthe defeat ofthe agreement inthe Senate that it has taken tougher positions ona series ofissues inprevious rounds ofnegotiations precisely inorder tokeep enough swing votes inthe Senate inorder toavoid that result," Porter told Sputnik.

Escobar also noticed communicating withdiplomats inVienna duringthe final roundof talks that "the Obama administration is confident ofhaving enough votes not tobe bothered bya Congressional veto."

The Republican-controlled Congress has untilmid-September toapprove or disapprove the Iran nuclear deal. The House ofRepresentatives and Senate can override a presidential veto bysecuring a two-thirds majority vote.

The P5+1 group and Iran reached a historic agreement ensuring the peaceful nature ofTehrans nuclear program inmid-July. The US sanctions related toIrans alleged support forterrorism, ballistic missiles and arms transfers would remain inplace, butthe crippling international financial and oil sanctions onTehran would be lifted underthe deal.

By Sputnik
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