4 Mar 2025
Wednesday 19 August 2015 - 15:48
Story Code : 176730

AIPAC 'easily buys votes' in Congress against Iran: Journalist

The influential Israel lobby is makinglarge contributionsto members ofCongress to bribethem into voting against the Iran nuclear agreement, says an independent investigative journalist and writer in Texas.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) spreads their wealth around through both sides in Congress, pressuring many Democrats to join Republicans in opposing the nuclear deal, Shane Matthews told Press TV on Wednesday.

AIPAC can afford to basically buy members of Congress through its vast pool of donors and campaign contributions, Matthews said.

The right-wing, Zionist lobbying group advocates pro-Israel policies to Congress and the White House, and channels millions of dollars in campaign contributions to candidates for federal office.

AIPAC accomplishes this through a network of political action committees established throughout the United States by members of its national board of directors.

That will buy you votes right there, easily, Matthews said.

However, he predicted the Iran nuclear agreement will not be overturned in Congress, although the next US president can reject the accord when he comes to office in 2017.

Congress is reviewing the nuclear agreement and has until September 17 to vote to either approve or disapprove of it.

Republicans, who control both houses of Congress, almost unanimously oppose the agreement because they say it gives too many concessions to Iran and threatens the security of Israel, a major US ally in the Middle East.

US President Barack Obama has pledged to veto a resolution of disapproval in Congress, and opponents need a two-thirds vote to override his veto. More than half of the Democrats and Independents in the Senate are backing the deal.

Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey announced Tuesdaythat he wouldvote against the Iranaccord in Congress, becomingthe second Senate Democrat to break ranks withObama on the issue.

Earlier this month, Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, an influential Jewish Democrat, said he would vote against the agreement.

However,Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell saidObama has a great likelihood of success to win the face-off with the Republican majority in Congress.

By Press TV
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