5 Mar 2025
Thursday 21 July 2016 - 18:00
Story Code : 223806

Syrian Bloodbath: Was French strike killing civilians revenge for Nice?

Foreign Policy expert Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace asks whether an atrocity near the Turkish-Syrian border was an act of reprisal by the French government for last weeks terror attack.

On Wednesday, the Syrian government demanded that the UN take immediate action againstFrance and the United States, afterthe US-led anti-Daesh coalition inSyria killed atleast 140 civilians, followingreports ofbetween 20-65 dead froma US airstrike inManbij onMonday, and atleast 120 dead inthe village ofToukhan Al-Kubra, nearthe Turkish-Syrian border, followinga French airstrike onTuesday.

The Syrian government has called onthe United States toremove itself fromthe country and immediately suspend all airstrikes, followingthe attack inManbij, withsimilar words forthe French government.

"The government ofthe Syrian Arab Republic condemns, withthe strongest terms, the two bloody massacres perpetrated bythe French and US warplanes and those affiliated tothe so-called international coalition which send their missiles and bombs tothe civilians instead ofdirecting them tothe terrorist gangs, said the Syrian Foreign Ministry ina statement. Syria also affirms that those who want tocombat terrorism seriously should coordinate withthe Syrian government and army."

Many inthe international community wonder whether Tuesdays deadly airstrike bythe French government was an act ofreprisal forthe deadly massacre inNice, France, last week that killed 84 and injured hundreds ofothers aftera 31-year-old French-Tunisian, loyal tothe Daesh terror network, drove a large delivery truck througha crowd ofpeople celebrating Bastille Day, a national holiday marking the 1789 French Revolution, and also opened fire onthe crowd.

In the wake ofthe Nice terror attack, French President Francois Hollande vowed forthe country tointensify anti-Daesh bombing inan effort todegrade and destroy the terrorist network that has claimed responsibility fora series ofgruesome attacks acrossthe country.

On Wednesday, Daniel McAdams, the Executive Director ofthe Ron Paul Institute forPeace and Prosperity, took Washington and Paris totask forthe deadly assault onSyrian civilians, duringan interview withRadio Sputnik.

"There has not been any punishment forthese types ofstrikes inthe past. This might be a terrible accident rather thana specific strike onthe people, butit is part ofa broader policy and that is what should be put ontrial," stated McAdams. "The entire anti-[Daesh] operation inSyria is illegal. We havent been invited bythe legitimate Syrian government, so every action we undertake ontheir soil is illegal."

Why havent US-led airstrikes causing civilian deaths received condemnation inthe past?

"Unfortunately, the US media, byand large, is propaganda. Where is the reporting onthis massive death toll? I have seen the pictures. Even the pro-opposition outlets, likethe Syrian Observer, said this is what is happening," said McAdams.

"To many this looks likethe French retaliation forNice. 84 civilians die, so they ramp upstrikes so that they can let their citizens know that they are protecting them, said the analyst. Then they go and kill 120 or 140 civilians, butthe media doesnt cover it."

"The Intercept is a fine publication, butit is not the New York Times. Who is covering it? And they wont cover it, because tocover it would be toquestion the policy. They wont cover it because the US has been propagandized that they must hit [Daesh] everywhere or they arent safe intheir beds. It is a big propaganda lie," argued McAdams.

"They are creating a big danger bygoing overthere and bombing inthe Middle East and that is the danger ofblowback which we are seeing more and more."

Assuming the airstrike was an accident, why do these types ofaccidents keep happening?

"The US is not only atwar with [Daesh] inSyria, they are also atwar withthe Assad government and this entire airstrike has been tothe benefit ofthe US-backed opposition which would be able totake this territory if they are able torun [Daesh] outof it," said McAdams.

"It would be occupied bygroups ofrebels who are involved withand not all that different than [Daesh] so there is no way toadequately protect these people because the US is atwar withthe government that could give them the intelligence tostop killing so many people there."

By Sputnik News

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