4 Mar 2025
Wednesday 5 October 2016 - 11:00
Story Code : 234083

US to lose influence in Syria after halting dialogue with Russia - Ex-Ambassador

The US government will not be able to wield as much influence in Syria by halting cooperation with Russia to resolve the conflict there, former US Ambassador Chas Freeman told Sputnik.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) On Monday, the United States suspended bilateral dialogue withRussia onfinding a solution tothe conflict inSyria aftera September 9 US-Russian brokered ceasefire deal collapsed withina week.

"The US decision tosuspend diplomatic dialogue withRussia aboutSyria is likely toreduce rather thanincrease US influence overthe course ofevents inSyria," Freeman told Sputnik onTuesday. Russia, Freeman continued, is intouch and will work withboth Turkey and Iran tomaximize its impact onthe various issues that drive the conflict inSyria.

By contrast, US ties withIran are tenuous, relations withTurkey have been deteriorating, while partnerships withSaudi Arabia and other Gulf Arab states are increasingly troubled, Freeman noted. "It does not make sense forthe United States tocut offdialogue withRussia insuch circumstances," Freeman suggested. "One must therefore catalog the decision todo so asdriven bybureaucratic and political divisions inWashington rather thanby strategy."

The Syrian peace negotiations, Freeman stated, have always been framed bythe participants inunrealistic zero-sum terms that have made compromises necessary torestore a united Syria essentially impossible.

Freeman also suggested that the end ofUS-Russian cooperation will impede future deliveries ofrelief tothe suffering people ofSyria, although both sides have exploited ceasefires ostensibly secured toaid civilians.

"Both the Syrian government and the various insurgencies againstit have always sought touse these [ceasefires] totheir military advantage rather thanas stepping stones toreconciliation,"

Freeman said. Freeman decried the fact that the United States and Russia have become engaged ina proxy war inSyria amidstother proxy wars, the most notable ofwhich is that betweenIran and Saudi Arabia and their respective allies. Both sides, Freeman claimed, view the noncombatants inSyria "as features ofthe battlefield tobe manipulated." Earlier onTuesday, US Department ofState spokesperson Mark Toner said ina briefing that the United States was considering military options toaddress the crisis inSyria.

The Russian Defense Ministry said the United States completely failed toimplement all the Syrian ceasefire agreements reached onSeptember 9 inGeneva because ofWashingtons failure toseparate a single so-called opposition group fromthe Nusra Front terrorist group.

By Sputnik
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