14 Mar 2025
Monday 7 November 2016 - 11:05
Story Code : 238104

US used its Tehran embassy to plot a counter-coup against Iran: US counsel

Khamenei.ir- On the anniversary of the takeover of the U.S Embassy by Iranian Students on November 4th, 1979, Khamenei.ir conducted an interview with Professor Francis Boyle, professor of International Law at the University Of Illinois College Of Law. Khamenei.ir publishes an exlusive interview-- conducted by Karim Sharara*-- with Professor Boyle on his take-- as a Professor of Law-- on the takeover of the U.S Embassy, and current US Iran relations.

Prof. Boyle serves as counsel to Bosnia and Herzegovina and to the Provisional Government of the Palestinian Authority. He also worked on the Board of Directors of Amnesty International, as a consultant to the American Friends Service Committee, and on the Advisory Board for the Council for Responsible Genetics. Boyle drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, aka the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989. He is a harsh critic of US foreign policy, and Israel and the Zionist movement. He was also on the board of Amnesty International in the late 80s to early 90s, and says that Amnesty International USAs agenda fits the political needs of the US.

The following is the interview:

Q. What do you think motivated the Iranian students in 1979, given Iranian history with the US, to overtake the US embassy in Tehran?

Well of course I wasnt there and I cant say what precisely motivated the Iranian students. But what I can say is this, that when the United States sued Iran at the world court after all of this, I think Iran should have showed up and argued its right of self-defense under article 51 of the United Nations charter, and also filed a counter-claim against the United States for the CIA overthrowing the democratically elected government of Mosaddegh in 1953, and then installing its puppet dictator, the Shah and the SAVAK that was created by the United States inflicting all these hideous atrocities against the Iranian people until overthrown in the Islamic Revolution led by his holiness Ayatollah Khomeini.

I believe, and I have published an article on this in Iran, based on publications Ive done over here, that the Iranian students had good grounds to believe that there was a counter-coup ordered by the Carter administration under the National Security Advisor Brzezinski. I went through the same PhD program at Harvard that produced Brzezinski before me (hes a total Machiavellian). I believe that they were using this embassy to plot and plan a counter-coup against the Islamic Revolution. Indeed thats why they sent General Huyser over there: they believed there were still people in the military who were, I wont say loyal to the Shah, but more loyal to the Americans than to the Islamic Republic, that would support a Carter coup, and that they were going to overthrow the Islamic Republic of Iran, as a state, reverse it, and put into power a puppet dictator like the Shah.

Now as you know that Shah, back then, had been suffering from cancer, so I dont think the Americans wouldve put him back in power, they wouldve found another flunky, maybe the little Shah, and put him in power. But when Carter permitted the Shah to enter the United States on the bogus grounds of medical treatment that was baloney as the Shah could have gotten treatment elsewhere as we know that catalyzed the fear of the Iranian students that the Americans were going to mount a clearly-illegal counter-coup against the Islamic Republic, and put another puppet dictator like the Shah or his son back in power. This is exactly what the Americans had done in 1953, and they were going to do it all over again, and that is why I believe if Iranhadgone to the world court in that lawsuit, it could have filed a counter-claim against the Americans and say: Youre just doing this all over again against us, and therefore were submitting a counter-claim for the overthrow of Mosaddegh, the installation of the Shah, your puppet dictator, and all the horrendous human rights atrocities that you, your Shah, and your SAVAK have inflicted upon us.

I think that would have been a way to raise all these claims in a legal context and then to argue that the right of self-defense under Article 51 took precedence over the Vienna convention on diplomatic relations that the Americans were using as the basis of that lawsuit and then the counter-claim related directly to it which I believe the world court would have heard that they were just trying to do again what they did to Mosaddegh, and that was a democratically elected government, a parliament, the Iranians had that. It was secular, bourgeois, it was not Islamic, but it was still legitimate, and the Americans had no right to overthrow that government, and they also had no right to try to overthrow the Islamic Republic and its clear the embassy was being used for that purpose. So I think a good argument can be made on the basis of self-defense, and the UN charter makes it very clear that in the event of a conflict between the terms of the UN charter and any other treaty, the charter prevails.

However Im not criticizing anyone in Iran, obviously there was enormous turmoil over there. I wasnt there, but just reading the reports: youre in an immediate post-revolutionary situation, and your foremost enemy is trying to overthrow your revolution, so Im certainly not criticizing any decisions made at that time, but the case could have been made.

Q. What about mainstream media in the US and its coverage of the embassy takeover? What about the coverage of other key points, like the reasons behind the takeover?

The mainstream media in the United States are controlled and dominated by Zionists. They are not going to permit that your perspective be presented here for the American people. The Palestinians are in the exact same position. Eventually the Palestinians just gave up on US media because theyre hopeless [] I dont think realistically speaking theres much you can do with mainstream media. You saw how they vilified President Ahmadinejad, it was a disgrace. He was a Head of State. I dont even know why his advisors permitted President Ahmadinejad to be subjected to this type of abuse by media and other sources here in the United States; especially at Columbia. He is the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and I dont know how anyone could let him come over here and be publicly abused, and the Islamic Republic itself was abused in this way. I would just say that the media wont help you here, and theyll continue to vilify him.

The human rights organizations, theyre all anti-Iranian, Ive been on the Board of Directors of Amnesty International USA for four years. All these so-called human rights organizations and NGOs, they operate on the principle He who pays for the piper calls the tune; who pays for them? They go along with this vilification of Iran as well; theyre not going to help you either.

Q. Do you think going to the World Court against the US, back during the beginning of the Revolution, would have yielded any results?

Sure! Iran would have been in there, in the world court, in front of the entire world, condemning the United States for the CIA coup against Iran that overthrew the bourgeois democratically elected Mosaddegh government, the installation of the Shah, and the creation of the SAVAK, because as we know the Americans created SAVAK, it was [General Norman] Schwarzkopfs SAVAK.

Yes, you could have educated the entire world there at the World Court, in those proceedings.

Q. But what results would it have yielded?

Well we could have gotten a condemnation by the World Court and make a request for reparation, sure! But that moment has passed. I dont really see it re-emerging at this point.

Q. Ayatollah Khamenei actually had a speech recently, in which he said that the volumes retrieved from the embassy, and assembled from shredded documents, revealing the espionage and operations conducted from the embassy, would amount to 70 volumes in print, and that they must be circulated in universities so that the youth can learn the full truth. Whats your take on that?

Well I have read some of the materials that the students carefully assembled from the shredded documents. But all those documents wouldve supported the claim in front of the world court that the students were acting in self-defense of the Islamic Republic, which trumps any obligations under the Vienna convention on diplomatic relations.

I have to admit I havent read these volumes [because theyre unavailable in the US], just accounts of whats in there. But my understanding is that these volumes verify even the reports at the time that the embassy was being used for the purpose of launching a coup dtat against the Islamic Republic along the lines of what they had done successfully in 1953.

Q. Do you think international organizations are independent enough to prosecute the United States for its crimes against Iran which include: the 1953 coup, supporting Iranian dictator Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, provoking and supporting Saddam in his 1988 war against Iran, delisting the MEK terrorist group which has assassinated over 17 thousand Iranians, shooting down Iran Air Flight 655 passenger plane, and dozens of other atrocities US committed against Iran?

As I said, I think if Iran had appeared at the World Court back at the time of the hostage crisis, Iran could have submitted a counter-claim to deal with the 1953 coup dtat against the Mosaddegh government, and the installation of the Shah and all the atrocities from 1953 until the installation of the Islamic Republic until the 2nd attempt to overthrow the Islamic Republic under Carter and Brzezinski. I think it could have been done at that time. Right now, it is a question of jurisdiction. We would need a treaty that would give Iran access to the International Court of Justice on all these issues that you mentioned so without going into a comprehensive analysis and right now I dont see that treaty. There could be developments in the future whereby Iran could make claims at the World Court, for example on this whole nuclear issue.

I have given many interviews in Iran recommending that this whole matter be taken into the International Court of Justice, and have done a memorandum at the request of Iranian lawyers on how this could be done.

Q. What do you think about the prospects of the JCPOA with Europe?

Well as you know, your negotiating team was also hoping that the JCPOA would help with Europe, and Europe would like to, but the problem is that the United States imposes its sanctions extraterritorially on Europe and is interfering with the ability of Europe to do business with Iran. As you can see theres not much business going on between Europe and Iran. Theres some. But not the flood gates opening that I believe your negotiating team expected to have. It is in the power of the United States government to intimidate even Europeans from doing substantial amounts of business with Iran. Maybe as time goes on the Europeans will have the guts to stand up but so far I havent really seen it.

Q. In Ayatollah Khameneis most recent speech, he actually said that although the negotiating team worked hard, and must be commended for their hard work, theyre now saying that the US didnt live up to its agreements, whats your take on that?

It certainly has not, and what the Ayatollah said is true, and they have also made it impossible or extremely difficult for Europe to do anything either. They want to keep Iran on a leash, and [the idea is that] they might throw you a bone here or there, but youre not going to get all these massive economic benefits that youve expected. Also at some point in the future they might decide to stab you in the back. So this is what faces the Islamic Republic now, how to deal with the situation.
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