Sputnik- On Tuesday, the foreign ministers of Russia, Iran and Turkey discussed the situation in Syria, including Aleppo, in Moscow on Tuesday. Russia, Iran and Turkey agreed a joint statement to revive the political process to end the conflict in Syria.
Russia, Iran, Turkey Negotiating on�Syria According to�Russian top diplomat Sergei Lavrov, the three countries want to�help Damascus and the Syrian opposition to�come to�an agreement. They will also act as�a guarantor of�this agreement. "Such an agreement is likely to�include preserving Syrian territorial integrity and keeping Damascus�s control over�the main regions. It may also presume a coalition government with�pro-Turkish groups in�Idlib," Gevorg Mirzayan, a lecturer at�the Financial University under�the Government of�Russia, wrote in�a piece for�RIA Novosti.
But before�such an agreement is possible the ranks of�the Syrian opposition must be cleared of�Islamists, like�al-Nusra Front and many other radical groups.
"But the summit in�Moscow vividly illustrated the new power dynamics around�Syria, as�former rivals Russia and Turkey sat across�the table from�each other while the US was not even invited to�the talks," an article in Daily Telegraph noted. The Kremlin said that it would welcome all interested parties at�the negotiating table. "We are not close for�contacts with�all other countries. We are inviting them to�join the processes that, as�we believe, have a positive potential," Lavrov noted.
But such cooperation can be possible only if other players observe the terms set by�the "troika" of�Moscow, Tehran and Ankara, according to�Mirzayan.
"There should be no 'secular' Nusra, 'illegitimate' Damascus and attempts of�a ceasefire to�help militants. No one will change the rules," the author noted. According to�Lavrov, the "Moscow troika" is the most efficient format to�resolve the Syrian crisis.
The Middle East Without the US? Mirzayan noted that the implementation of�the new format of�Syrian settlement may create certain difficulties for�the United States. First, the deal may create a situation in�the Middle East in�which Washington�s efforts in�the region will become unnecessary. "Regional players will deal with�all regional issues. Meanwhile, Russia will play the role of�a mediator between�them," the article read.
Second, the deal is unlikely to�be welcomed by�US allies in�the region, including Israel, Saudi Arabia and Kurds.
According to�the author, the above-mentioned groups of�factors imply that the US could be interested in�undermining the newly-established troika. But this assumption could prove correct only if Washington continues its foreign policy in�the Middle East. "But If [new US President] Donald Trump focuses on�US domestic problems the troika deal could even play in�the hands of�Washington. Russia, Iran and Turkey will be responsible for�Syria and the fight against�Daesh. As a result, Trump will be able to�focus on�the situation in�East Asia," Mirzayan suggested. What Iran Gains From the Deal According to�the author, Tehran is the biggest beneficiaries from�the agreement. Tehran managed to�protect Syria and exclude Turkey from�the anti-Assad front.
Syria will continue to�play the role of�Tehran�s close ally. But the main achievement is that Tehran managed to�prevent a full-fledged intervention of�Syria and stop the Syrian conflict into�a Sunni-Shia war, according to�the article.
However, the author noted, that Turkey also has nothing to�complain about. "Ankara was losing its military adventure in�Syria. Its plan to�topple Assad was unrealistic. Syrian militants demanded more and more money from�Turkey.
Its southeastern regions are now flooded with�refugees," Mirzayan wrote. The deal with�Russia and Iran will help Turkey to�find a way out�of the conflict. Moreover, this deal will give Ankara certain control over�the situation in�Syria after�the war. The troika cooperation will also prevent establishing a vast Kurdish autonomy in�northern Syria. Moscow's Role in�the Deal To some extent, the new format seems to�be ambiguous for�Russia, according to�Mirzayan. On the one hand, it can be regarded as�victory.
The Kremlin settled the issue of�Ankara�s involvement in�the Syrian war and established a negotiating format to�resolve the crisis. "This format could help Russia consolidate its allies in�the region for�real efforts against�Daesh.
If Raqqa is liberated Russia would emerge victorious in�Syria," the author pointed out. On the other hand, by�making the troika deal, Russia decided for�the first to�lead the process and bear responsibility for�the results. "If the deal works Russia would emerge as�a constructive peacemaker in�the Middle East. But if not this would deal a heavy blow to�Russia�s reputation in�the global politics," Mirzayan concluded.