24 Feb 2025
Wednesday 1 February 2017 - 13:24
Story Code : 249351

Trump proves he does not differ from the Bush-Obama war on Muslims

American Herald Tribune| KIM PETERSEN: Former Ronald Reagan administration official Paul Craig Robertscontinues to take aim at the Left. Why this time? Apparently Robertssupports Trumps ban on Muslims (a ban on people from seven countries,all Muslim majority countries).

The mindlessness is unbearable, writes Roberts of the Leftsprotesting the selective ban on refugees and migrants.

Roberts argues,
Clearly Americas wars on Muslims wreck far more lives thanTrumps ban on immigrants. Why the focus on an immigration ban andnot on wars that produce refugees? Is it because Obama is responsiblefor war and Trump for the ban? Is the liberal/progressive/leftprojecting Obamas monstrous crimes onto Trump? Is it that we must
hate Trump and not Obama?
Roberts asks questions as if the answer is only one-or-the-other. Manyleftists (anarchists, socialists, Communists among them) would distancethemselves from much of what liberals profess. One should not viewliberals as composing a Left monolith anymore than Nazis should beviewed as representing a monolithic Right. The Democratic Party is not aleft party. So Democratic supporters of Obama are not considered leftistin any meaningful sense by this writer. Nonetheless, there were plentyof people from the Left who did oppose Obama and his wars. Those who didnot oppose Obama and his wars are, at best, pseudo-leftists.

Left and Right is an oversimplification. People ought to regard allwrinkles of the political spectrum and the politicians within thespectrum by supporting what is good and rejecting what is anathema.Trump has positions that resonate with leftists; however, he also stakesout positions that are highly objectionable. It is the balance betweenthe supportable and insupportable that should determine how thepolitician will be viewed.

Immigration is not a right protected by the US Constitution,states Roberts. Whether immigration is protected or not by theconstitution is irrelevant because belief in such a right isfundamental to the presence of non-Indigenous people on Turtle Island.Their settler/colonial forebears believed in a God-given right to theland. After all, the Catholic Church in the Papal Bull of 1493, InterCaetera, gave its blessing to taking territory belonging tosavages.

Roberts opines, The liberal/progressive/left is demonstrating amindless hatred of the American people and the President that the peoplechose.

This logic from the politico-cum-scribe is puzzling. How doesopposition to the policies of a president transmogrify to hatred of theAmerican people? First, the warmongering Hillary Clinton garnered morevotes than Trump. Second, approximately half of Americans didnt vote,and Trump received less than half of those votes. Therefore, the bestRoberts can claim is a mindless hatred of [less than 25% of] theAmerican people and the President that the people chose.

Accusations of mindless hatred is just ad hominem. But Robertsdoes present good points:
The easiest and surest way for the Trump administration to stop therefugee problem, not only for the US but also for Europe and the Westin general, is to stop the wars against Muslim countries that hispredecessors started. The enormous sums of money squandered ongratuitous wars could instead be given to the countries that the USand NATO have destroyed. The simplest way to end the refugee problemis to stop producing refugees.
I am in 100 percent in agreement with Roberts here.

Unfortunately for all anti-war types, Trump is carrying on where Obamaleft off by authorizing military strikes. This was done far from USshores, in a country that poses no credible threat to the USA. Thirtyfatalities have been reported, including 10 women and children, amongthem an eight-year-old American girl, Nawar Al-Awlaki all murderedin war-torn Yemen.

Why did were these thirty people killed? The New York Timesreported, The main target was computer materials inside the house that could contain clues about future terrorist plots. [italics added]Thirty people and one American commando died for what _could_ be clues.In other words, people slaughtered based on a maybe.

This attack would better be construed as mindless hatred andterrorism. Although when US forces do this it is calledcounterterrorism by corporate media.

The Anti-war Focus

It didnt take long. As of now, Trump has revealed himself to be a warcriminal. A focus of people opposed to war should be on charging,bringing Trump to the docket, and prosecuting him.

A war on warmongers is what should guide people of conscience.

Trump has clearly demonstrated that he does not differ from theBush/Obama war on Muslims.

Opposition to wars is a crucial issue, but this does not demand, exceptin the mind of Roberts and like-minded people, that support for fellowhuman beings and opposition to other human rights abuses should be in
abeyance. Surely one can oppose war and at the same time oppose racism,sexism, torture, and other heinous practices.


I agree wholeheartedly with Roberts that wars must be ended. But nowTrump stands revealed as a war criminal, a warmonger, and he must beopposed as well as his warmongering.

A deterrent must be firmly established. Trump and his presidentialpredecessors Obama, the Bushes, Clinton, Carter should all beprosecuted for war crimes during their administrations.
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