4 Mar 2025
Saturday 15 April 2017 - 15:02
Story Code : 257217

It's not just Syria. Trump is ratcheting up wars across the world

The Guardian l Trevor Timm: From the expansion of official US war zones in Yemen and Somalia to a spike in drone strikes, conflicts are heating up on several fronts

Donald Trumps missile strikes on Syria have attracted worldwide attention (and disgraceful plaudits) in recent days. But much less airtime is being given to his administrations risky and increasingly barbaric military escalations on several other fronts across the world.

Lets put aside, for the time being, that the Trump administration openly admits it has no clue what it is going to do in Syria next. Or that key members of Congressand in the administration are clearly eager for regime change in Syria with no plan for the aftermath. And the fact that hardly anyone seems to care that Russias former president Dmitry Medvedev said over the weekend that Syrian strikes put the US on the verge of a military clash with Russia a nuclear power with thousands of warheads.

As troubling as these developments are, we should be just as concerned about the explosion of civilian deaths more than 1,000 in March alone that have come directly as the result of the Trump administrations other reckless military campaigns across the Middle East over the past few weeks.

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