15 Mar 2025
Sputnik News- Commenting on the recent developments in the Persian Gulf and the remarks of Bahrain's Foreign Minister Sheikh Khalid bin Ahmed al-Khalifa towards Qatar, Turkish security expert Abdullah Agar explained to Sputnik that these are clear attempts of the West to pit the countries in the region against each other, which could provoke a new world war.

On Monday, Bahrain's Foreign Minister Sheikh Khalid bin Ahmed al-Khalifa accused Qatar ofcreating a military escalation inthe region, inan apparent reference toTurkey's increased military presence inDoha.

"Bringing inforeign armies and their armored vehicles is the military escalation that Qatar has created,' the Bahraini top diplomat said inhis message onTwitter, however withoutmentioning Turkey.

#Bahrainiforeign minister describes#Turkishintervention in#Qataras military escalation:https://t.co/0kiJT6twXAvia@Reuters

ADHRB (@ADHRB)27 ???? 2017 ?.

?In his other messages, Sheikh Khalid bin Ahmed al-Khalifa urged Qatar "to end its political dichotomy" and make its choice.

"There is a contradiction inQatars policy. Either compliance withthe regional (GCC) system and its joint and bilateral defense treaties withthe major international ally or regional interference," he posted.

"Making unilateral alliances withcountries outsidethe regional system and withterrorist organizations, such asthe Muslim Brotherhood and others, strikes atthe foundations ofits commitment withthe brothers inthe GCC," said another Tweet.

"There is a need tochoose betweenagreements withthe brothers and allies onthe one hand and the emergency regional interferer onthe other. Qatar cannot have both, Bahrain's Foreign Minister concluded.

Sputnik Turkiye discussedthe issue withAbdullah Agar, Turkish expert onsecurity and counterterrorism issues, a former operative ofthe Turkish special forces, who said that Bahrain is apparently acting onthe order ofSaudi Arabia, butwithin the regional plans ofthe West.
However, due tothe Syrian crisis, amongothers, a new configuration ofpowers is being formed inthe region, which is clearly ofanti-Western nature. In such a situation any Western interference might provoke a new world war.

"With regards tothe remarks ofBahrain's Foreign Minister we should take intoaccount that Bahrain is acting onthe order ofSaudi Arabia butwithin the plans ofthe West toremodel and redraw the Middle East," Abdullah Agar told Sputnik.
"However Turkey's and Iran's stance onthe Qatari crisis differs radically fromthe stance ofthe thirteen countries which are currently hostile toQatar. There are evident attempts ofthe West topit the countries inthe region againsteach other," he said.

The expert further explained that fora long time the western countries have been trying todrag Turkey intothe growing regional tensions bypresenting it, withthe help ofthe public diplomacy, asa country which is lining upits foreign policy onconfessional, faith based basis, regardless the fact that it is counter tothe will ofthe Turkish people and the national mindset ofthe Turkish Republic.

Turkey, he said, is interested inthe solution ofthe regional problems and this aim is shared byIran, which apparently can't satisfy the West, which inevery way tries toprovoke a large-scale protracted conflict inthe region.
"Turkish-Iranian rapprochement, which is being facilitated byRussia's efforts, is encouraging the setup ofa new configuration ofpowers inthe region amidthe ongoing Syrian and Qatari crises. This configuration ofpowers is becoming more and more anti-Western due todestructive actions and threats ofthe West," Abdullah Agar finally stated.

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