19 Jan 2025
Sputnik News- The US Congress has already approved a bill introducing new sanctions against Iran, North Korea and Russia, leaving analysts to wonder whether Moscow and Tehran will consider including Pyongyang in a full-fledged alliance.

On Monday, US Vice President Mike Pence said that President Donald Trump will soon sign intolaw new legislation that enhancesUS sanctionsagainstRussia, Iran and North Korea.

The relevant bill was passed byan overwhelming majority of419 to3 inthe House ofRepresentatives and by98 totwo inthe Senate.

The bill slaps new financial sanctions onRussia, while also imposing additional restrictive measures againstthe Iranian missile programand the shipping industry ofNorth Korea.

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Press TV?@PressTV

US sanctions won't deter North Korea nuke programhttp://ptv.io/2RH8

3:13 PM - Jul 31, 2017

In light of this, many wonder what will happen if strategic allies Iran and Russia are able to reach a consensus with North Korea on creating a trilateral alliance against American ambitions and sanctions.

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The Voice of America?@VOANews

North Korea: Missile Test 'Stern Warning' to US Against New Sanctionshttp://dlvr.it/PZZWK8

6:50 PM - Jul 30, 2017

Iranian political analyst Sajjad Tayeri suggested in an interview with Sputnik Iran that Pyongyang's role in its possible alliance with Iran and Russia would be insignificant because North Korea will focus on resolving nuclear issues rather than holding talks.

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CBS News?@CBSNews

U.S. punishes Iran for its launch of a satellite-carrying rocket by hitting 6 Iranian entities with sanctions:http://cbsn.ws/2uM1K4R

11:21 PM - Jul 29, 2017

Pyongyang would most likely refuse tojoin this coalition, while Iran and Russia may form a new alliance inthe Middle East, according toTayeri.
"If we want toduly respond tothe US sanctions, then North Korea has nothing todo withit. It is necessary totake intoaccount the political regime ofthis country and the fact that it does not have any status inthe Middle East," Tayeri said.

"By slapping sanctions onIran, the US wants toput pressure onIran and weaken its military power," he added, referring toNorth Korea's recent ballistic missile launch, which he said proves that Pyongyang "can strike America."
"The position ofIran and Russia is quite different. We see Moscow and Tehran asallies that can form a new alliance inthe Middle East," Tayeri said, adding that "Iran and Russia have always acted together inthe international arena."

Referring toretaliation againstthe US sanctions, he said that "in the future, we will see that North Korea will be unable toplay a significant role inthis process because Pyongyang only has the strength and ability tomaneuver withinthe Korean Peninsula."
"Unlike North Korea, Iran and Russia have a positive influence inthe Middle East and even inEastern Europe. Therefore, if a coalition is created, Iran and Russia would become [full-fledged] members while North Korea would be given a minor role," Tayeri said.

Adding that "Pyongyang wants tonegotiate withan atomic bomb inpossession," Tayeri expressed hope for "Iran's and Russia's diplomatic negotiations withAmerica."

Another Iranian political analyst, Mahmoud Shuri, toldSputnik Iranthat Russia, North Korea and Iran "were atdifferent times and forvarious reasons subjected tosanctions bythe US which is why it is clear that they will try torespond inkind tothese restrictive measures."

In this vein, Shuri described Russia as "a country which has the status of a great world power and membership in the UN Security Council," and which has "great possibilities to resist the US sanctions at the diplomatic level."
"Iran, too, has accumulated a large anti-sanctions experience in the past few years when struggling for its nuclear program," he said.

"We must resist together and to that end, we need to create a common front to show America that its actions run counter to international laws. Unfortunately, the possibilities and methods of our influence are limited, but we should not, therefore, step back from the struggle against the US sanctions," Shuri concluded.

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