4 Mar 2025
Tuesday 12 September 2017 - 11:45
Story Code : 275437

Noble Prize winner Suu Kyi 'US-Western darling'

MNA US columnist Stephen Lendman says that Suu Kyi is a fraud and a US- Western darling.

She reminds me in some ways of Mother Theresa, more myth than saint of the gutters, Lendman tells the Mehr News.

Following is the text of the interview:

Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar are in a disastrous situation. Why arent international organizations and institutions attentive to their sufferings?

Whats going on is shocking and disturbing, largely ignored in Washington and other Western capitals - what I call slow-motion genocide against the Rohingyas, going on for years, accelerated in recent weeks.

Aung San Suu Kyi, the Nobel Peace winner, who was herself the victim of the Myanmar Army and had been tortured for many years, is silent about the savagery against the Rohingya and even supports the military action. What is your assessment of this approach?

Suu Kyi is a fraud, a US- Western darling. She reminds me in some ways of Mother Theresa, more myth than saint of the gutters.
Instead of helping the poor and needy as falsely claimed, she fostered a cult of suffering, her missionaries of charity a disgrace - deplorable conditions substituting for noble work.

Her hospitals were human warehouses. She ignored hunger, malnutrition and diseases. Mistreatment substituted while she jet-setted in luxury, hobnobbing with the worlds rich, famous and infamous.

Shes more sinner than saint. The same goes for Suu Kyi, guilty of crimes against the Rohingyas.

Why arent the UN and the UNHCR doing their responsibility in reducing the agonies of the Muslim minority in Myanmar?

The UN is an appendage of US imperial policy, supporting what demands condemnation. What has the current and former secretaries-general done for Palestinians and other beleaguered people - nothing besides meaningless rhetoric.

If the situation that Rohingya Muslims are facing were imposed on the citizens of a Western country, all of the international organizations and institutions would have taken measures to deal with it. Why do these organizations practice dual standards?

Western double standards are notorious and outrageous. Look how abusively Iran is treated. For aiding Syria combat US-supported terrorism, its called the worlds greatest terrorist threat - what applies to Washington and Israel most of all.

Earlier claims about Iran having a military nuclear component were fabricated, Trump repeating the phony notion that it wants one.
In contrast, nuclear armed and dangerous Israels regional threat is ignored.

Western countries and their rogue allies are indifferent to human suffering, uncaring about the Rohingyas, Palestinians and other severely abused people - their policies contributing to their misery.

Stephen Lendmanlives in Chicago. His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III." He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

By: Javad Heirannia

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