31 Mar 2025
Saturday 9 December 2017 - 17:26
Story Code : 285971

Trump believes Obama's hesitation on Syria led to Russian, Iranian engagement

Sputnik News- Earlier this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Syrian forces have completely defeated Daesh on both banks of the Euphrates river in Syria.

US President Donald Trump believes that Russia and Iran have been engaged inthe Syrian crisis because offormer US President Barack Obama's lack ofdetermination.
"He [Obama] said 'you never going todo it, don't ever violate the 'red line'. They have violated the red line, he did nothing, so Russia went inand Iran went in," Trump said ata rally inUS state ofFlorida.

Obama's "red line" back in2012 was a threat touse force againstDamascus if it uses chemical weapons againstthe population, a claim repeatedly denied bythe Syrian government. Washington fromthat moment has never engaged directly inthe conflict and the Obama administration agreed uponRussia's proposal toresolve the issue peacefully byensuring that Damascus destroyed all the chemical weapons it had.

Comparing withObama's policy regarding Syria, Trump noted that his administration was more decisive and provided the example ofthe US response tothechemical attack inKhan Sheikhoun, the Idlib province, onApril 4, which killed 80 people. Reacting tothe incident, Washington, which had not presented any proof ofchemical weapon use byDamascus it had immediately blamed forthe attack, launched59 cruise missiles atthe Syrian governmental military airfield inAsh Sha'iratonApril 7.

Russian forces have been supporting the forces ofSyrian President Bashar Assad atDamascus' request intheir fight againstterrorist groups since2015. On December 6, Putin announced that Daesh had been completely defeated onboth banks ofEuphrates River inSyria, while Chief ofthe Russian General Staff Valery Gerasimov said that the Arab Republic was fully freed fromDaesh asthe remaining terrorists had been defeated inDeir ez-Zor.

On Conflicts With NATO Member-States
"I said you gotta pay and I took a hit fromthe press, they said 'Donald Trump was rude toour allies.' Well, they are rude tous, when they don't pay. So, we have a nation that does not pay, then a nation gets frisky withwhoever, Russia, [for example] the nation gets aggressive, we end upin World War III forsomebody that does not even pay," Trump said atthe rally.

The issue ofNATOs funding has been raised repeatedly byTrumps administration, which stressed that all the alliance's members should respect their NATO budget responsibilities. According tothe NATO 2014 Wales Summit Declaration, the alliance member states should pursue the target ofspending 2 percent oftheir GDP tofunding NATO withina decade. At the moment, only five countries Estonia, Greece, Poland, the United States and the United Kingdom have met the standards.

NATO has beenboosting its presenceinEastern Europe and the Baltic region sincethe outbreak ofthe Ukrainian crisis in2014, citing Russia's alleged interference inthe conflict asa justification forthe move. Moscow has repeatedly denied any involvement inthe crisis, saying NATO's actions have a destabilizing character.

On Sanctions Against North Korea

US President Donald Trump said he was not sure whether the sanctions againstPyongyang could solve the North Korean nuclear crisis.
"We gotta give it a shot. You know, we'll see. Who knows? I'll just tell you, folks, you are ingood hands. That's all I can say," Trump said.

Previously, Trump has hinted ata possible military option withregard toNorth Korea, however, his administration officials, including Secretary ofState Rex Tillerson and Pentagon chief James Mattis, have emphasized that Washington still counted ondiplomatic efforts toresolve the crisis onthe Korean Peninsula.

Inlate November, Pyongyang launched yet another ballistic missile, the Hwasong-15 ICBM, capable ofreaching targets throughoutthe United States, afterTrump designated the Asian nation asastate sponsor ofterrorism.

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