13 Mar 2025
Monday 21 May 2018 - 11:07
Story Code : 305874

German entrepreneur slams US 'diktat' over Iran sanctions

Sputnik - EU states have criticized the US decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal and expressed their commitment to the agreement. However, many fear that the companies that do business in Iran might be affected by US sanctions. Sputnik discussed the issue with Michael Tockuss, a representative of the German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce Association.

US law does not apply inthe EU, and German companies shouldn't be dictated toabout whom they are supposed todo business with, German entrepreneur Michael Tockuss said.
"I believe it's important tosay that we are talking aboutpurely American legislation here. Therefore, one shouldn't act asif the US laws are automatically applicable toEuropean companies,"Tockuss said.

"Imagine it the other way round, that the German Bundestag would pass a law and expect it toapply inCalifornia or Wisconsin. Everyone would just laugh aboutit. Therefore, Americans shouldn't be so easily allowed toforce companies based inthird countries tocomply withtheir legislation," he added.

According tothe expert, it is possible toprotect European companies invarious ways. At the moment, a law that bans European companies fromcomplying withUS sanctions againstIran is being discussed atthe EU level.

"European companies doing business withIran could also be helped viafallback guarantees and reliable payment channels betweenEurope and Iran withthe help ofthe ECB," the expert said.

He also noted that Iran might consider switching its trade fromthe dollar tothe euro. This has already been done inmany spheres, exceptfor the oil sector, Tockuss said.
"That's a crucial point. China, forexample, has already taken decisive steps. Oil has been traded inlocal currency onthe Shanghai Stock Exchange. Iran should also go inthat direction, discuss it withits partners and stop selling its oil indollars," the analyst argued.

Commenting onthe issue ofwhether the EU and Russia will be able stick tothe nuclear deal withoutthe US, Tockuss said that such a scenario is likely.

"We think the chances are very good. The statements ofthe Federal Government, the European leaders aswell asRussia and China are unanimous; everyone wants tostay committed tothe Iran agreement," the analyst concluded.

On May 8, US President Donald Trump announced that his country would exit the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Along withthe withdrawal fromthe agreement, the United States is restoring all sanctions againstthe Middle Eastern country, including secondary ones inrelation toother countries that conduct business withIran, which were suspended inthe framework ofthe JCPOA.

Other signatories tothe JCPOA have criticized Trump's decision tounilaterally pull outof the deal and have confirmed their commitment tothe agreement.

The views expressed inthis article are those ofthe analyst and do not necessarily reflect those ofSputnik.

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