23 Feb 2025
Tuesday 14 August 2018 - 10:40
Story Code : 315772

'US creating huge amount of antagonism toward itself in Iran' - Prof

Sputnik - Last week the US reimposed its first round of sanctions on Iran with more economic sanctions aimed at Iran's oil industry to follow in November. This comes after US President Donald Trump announced his decision in May to pull out of the Iran nuclear agreement.

Professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi, fromthe University ofTehran, told Sputnik that the US will isolate itself onthe international stage byintroducing more anti-Iranian sanctions.

Sputnik: I'd liketo begin byasking you aboutthe effect these new sanctions are likely tohave onIran, onIran's economy?

Seyed Mohammad Marandi:They will have a substantial effect, especially inNovember. The sanctions that take effect today (last week) have a more limited impact and the psychological impact has already shown itself overthe pasttwo weeks. So I don't think that today is a major event, butin general I think, though, that the United States is miscalculating because bytrying tostrangle the Iranian economy and bytrying tomake ordinary Iranians suffer: men, women, children, young, old, the United States is creating a huge amount ofantagonism towardsitself.

Contrary towhat the Americans would liketo think it has unified not only the political establishment butthe population asa whole. There is, ofcourse, dissatisfaction amongpeople because ofthe economic situation, the fall ofthe Iranian rial buta lot ofblame is being directed towardsTrump.

I also think that atthe international level the United States has isolated itself because the international community sees the United States weaponizing financial institutions and the dollar. This is the sort ofnew way the United States carries outwarfare.

In the past, they would bomb countries, they'd destroy countries, they'd kill hundreds ofthousands ofpeople throughairstrikes, and throughinvasion. Now they no longer have that capability because ofthe sheer amount ofmoney that they have tospend and the damage that it causes tothe US economy, so they're using financial warfare, butfinancial warfare has its own problems, and that is that gradually countries begin tocreate defense mechanisms.

The more they're used, the more countries are encouraged tomove away fromthe US dollar and touse alternative methods oftrade and financial transaction tobecome less vulnerable.

Sputnik: When the November sanctions hit, what do you see happening? What industries will be affected the most?

Seyed Mohammad Marandi:Well it depends, I think that insome respect some industries will benefit because one ofthe mistakes that the Iranian administration, the current administration made, and it's not just their mistake, previous administrations have done the same, (is todepend onoil revenues).

Because ofIran's addiction, the addiction ofall oil-producing countries tooil and oil wealth, they regularly use oil money toboost upthe local currency, and the Iranian currency has always been boosted or supported bythis oil wealth. So while people's wages increase and liquidity rises, the rate betweenthe Iranian currency and the dollar stays aboutthe same, and this gradually creates a bigger and bigger bubble. Not only does it create a bubble, it also makes local production very difficult.

Many factories overthe pastfew years, because ofthis bubble inIran, have been shut downor they're facing major problems. Iranian goods have been becoming more expensive thanimported goods, so the fall ofthe rial toa more realistic rate does have its benefits, it hurts Iranians, obviously, and it creates inflation butit has made Iranian products more competitive, much more competitive. So if the government manages the situation, there could be a rise inemployment and the local industries could benefit enormously fromit.

The industries that will be hit are those that are linked toforeign investment, especially, fromEurope and South Korea, and Japan, buttheir investments really haven't been all that great, because ever sincethe JCPOA was signed, the United States never really implemented it. So the JCPOA, the nuclear deal, wasn't even implemented underObama.

So, forexample, inthe last three years, if I wanted tosend you a single dollar toyour bank account or you wanted tosend me a single dollar, you couldn't, even though Iran was supposed tobe re-integrated intothe global banking system. Obama prevented this fromhappening. So the JCPOA was never implemented infull and therefore it was very difficult forforeign investors tocome in, and the United States behindthe scenes was also putting pressure onforeign companies not todo trade or business, or tocarry outinvestment inthe country. So there wasn't a great deal ofinvestment inthe first place, butthis is one sector that will be hit.

The second, ofcourse, is the oil industry, where the United States will attempt toprevent Iran fromexporting oil. I'm not sure how this is going toplay out, butthe Iranians are trying todevise mechanisms where they will continue tobe able toexport oil, and that is byselling oil toprivate companies.

As oil goes throughthese companies it would be more difficult forthe United States tomonitor where it goes and also the Iranians will be using, I think, the yuan more extensively, so they will not be reliant onthe US dollar, and probably toa degree they'll be trying tobe less reliant onthe euro aswell, because tothe Europeans it's not clear how capable they are instanding upto the United States.

I think the Iranians will, probably, be trying tokeep their oil production ashigh aspossible, or they will probably will be able, toa large degree, tokeep exporting oil ata relatively significant high amount, perhaps, closer tothe current levels, butthey'll probably have togive discounts tothose private companies who want totake the oil.

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