4 Mar 2025
Saturday 8 September 2018 - 11:45
Story Code : 318716

US, Western world would benefit from cooperating with Iran - TFF director

Sputnik - US President Donald Trump told reporters in the White House on Wednesday that Irans survival as a country is in doubt and that the country is in turmoil according to news outlet Bloomberg. Sputnik spoke to Jan Oberg, Director of the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, who shared his views on the continuing pressure on Iran.

Sputnik: Can we believe inTrump's words overIran's survival?

Jan Oberg:No, asmany other things we cant believe inthat forthe simple reason that hes wrong when he says that Iran was trying totake overthe Middle East one and a half years ago and hes very wrong when he believes that the way the US treats Iran now will make people split. Under such pressure populations usually back upbehind their leaders. Particularly because everybody inIran will know that if their economy is suffering a large part ofthe reason is the United States sanctions and these sanctions are based onthe breaking ofinternational law namely bythe withdrawing ofthe nuclear deal. So here you basically you have a person and a country that is only destructive tothe rest ofthe world. I find it outrageous that a US President is proud if he can make a country fall apart with85 million people.

Sputnik: We heard yesterday he is tochair a UN security council meeting onIran what will come ofthis do you think and what will be onthe agenda?

Jan Oberg:If you read Bob Woodwards book onhow he administers the White House I dont think he is able toadminister anything atthe UN withany kind ofelegance and principals. So I would love if it was possible forPresident Rouhani and President Trump were able tomeet each other and informally talk aboutall ofthose things. But I can also understand if the Iranians have had enough ofthese things atthis point afterall these years ofthreats and sanctions which have nothing todo withreality and which are just tobe grump and nasty tosomebody else. The US and the western world would benefit tremendously fromcooperating withIran instead. And cooperation would be the best way tosecure that Iran does not do anything that we dont want or that the West doesnt want it todo.

Sputnik: Its not the first time weve heard such threatening rhetoric towardsa nation fromthe US President; could we see a U-turn onUS policy towardsIran aswe saw withNorth Korea, if Trump and Rouhani were tocome tothe table?

Jan Oberg:No I think North Korea will see how the United States has treated this very elaborate diplomatic deal one ofthe most important inmodern history withIran so obviously the United States is a country you cant trust any more.

Sputnik: It's also been reported that US envoys are toput pressure onIndia overIranian oil do you think this will have much effect?

Jan Oberg:Irans oil is about10-12 percent ofIndias oil import. That means [laughs] youre trying totell India how tobehave and atthe same time you want tohave an economic relationship withthem. I just saw today that the F-16 wings are going tobe produced all F-16 aircraft wings are going tobe produced inIndias Hyderabad infuture. It doesnt make sense that you harass people again and again and then want tocooperate withthem. Its a security matter fora huge nation likeIndia. Nobodys going tocrawl ontheir knees because the United States says dont do that, dont do that and dont do that and do what we say you should do. I find it strange that anybody still believes inthis.

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