1 Apr 2025
Friday 29 March 2019 - 00:30
Story Code : 343393

Iranians open homes to travelers stranded by floods

Iranians open homes to travelers stranded by floods
Al Monitor - As dramatic videos ofdeadly floodsleaving behind destroyed vehicles and other damage circulate on Iranian social media networks,ordinary Iranians are doing what they can to help the affected citizens, includingtravelers whose Nowruz holidays have been unexpectedly disrupted.

A 10-minute flash flood in the city of Shiraz, perhaps the most popular tourist destination in the country's south, killed at least 18 and injured scores more on March 25. Many of the victims are said to have been visitors. Now, locals in the birthplace of classical Iranian literature are inviting panicked holidaymakers to their homes,offeringunconditional stay and food. "All services will be offered for free until the harsh weather dies down," one placard held by a volunteer in Shiraz read. Some even offerfree body repairs for cars damaged in the downpours. Several local hotels and restaurants have joined the spontaneous campaign,dubbed "My Guest."

Similarpublic initiativesare underway to deliver badly needed assistance to those hardest hit in the northern provinces of Golestan and Mazandaran. The aid is flowing in the form of cash donations as well as basic supplies collected from communities across Iran, including those still recovering from a devastating 2017 earthquake in the country's west.

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