4 Mar 2025
Thursday 4 July 2019 - 16:43
Story Code : 353329

We値l destroy Trump like we ended Jimmy Carter: Iran

CCN | Mark Emem: These are uncertain times, but for anyone who has been keenly watching President Donald Trump痴 game of chicken with Iran, the only certainty is that both sides will continue to ratchet up the rhetoric for the foreseeable future.

But while Trump has previously warned Iran of complete obliteration using the military might of the United States, Iranian presidential advisor has warned that they could target the former reality TV star with political ammunition.

Iran: We Ended Jimmy Carter痴 Political Career
We have unseated an American President in the past. We can do it again. Trump can listen to Pompeo and we値l make sure he stays a one-term President. Or he could listen to @TuckerCarlson and we might have a different ball game.

Hesameddin Ashena (@hesamodin1) July 3, 2019

In a tweet sent out earlier today, Ashena warned that Iran could doom Trump痴 chances of reelection, just as they destroyed Jimmy Carter痴 reelection bid in 1980 amid the hostage crisis debacle.

Specifically, Ashena warned Trump against listening to his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is regarded as hawkish, or he will only serve one term. Instead, the Iranian presidential advisor urged Trump to heed Fox News host Tucker Carlson痴 advice. Last month Carlson reportedly advised Trump not to bomb Iran.

展e have unseated an American President in the past. We can do it again. Trump can listen to Pompeo and we値l make sure he stays a one-term President. Or he could listen to @TuckerCarlson and we might have a different ball game.

Iran: Trump Should Listen to Tucker Carlson
While Ashena did not provide details, what the Iranian presidential advisor probably had in mind was the fact that a military confrontation could lead to all sorts of unforeseen scenarios, some of which are likely to be long and drawn out.

Trump himself campaigned on ending America痴 endless wars in the Middle East, and the 45th U.S. president痴 already-lagging popularity could take an even bigger hit if he entangles the country in a war with Iran.

In the case of Carter, the Iran hostage crisis lasted for a total of 444 days and extended into the presidential campaign season. Fifty-two Americans had been held hostage during the crisis, which saw negotiations and even rescue attempts yield nothing.

Economy Doomed Carter, But Could Save Trump
Carter himself blamed the hostage crisis for his reelection loss as recently as four years ago. He not only expressed regret then but wished he could have handled the situation better:

的 wish I had sent one more helicopter to get the hostages, and we would致e rescued them, and I would致e been reelected.

But even though the hostage crisis diminished Carter in the eyes of the voters, a lackluster economy also contributed to his electoral loss to Ronald Reagan.

Fortunately for Trump, the economy is in good shape.
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