4 Mar 2025
Thursday 26 September 2019 - 17:18
Story Code : 360042

Full remarks made by the Iranian President at the United Nations

Bourse and Bazaar - In the name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
Mr. President

Iwouldlike to congratulate your deservedelection as the president of the seventy-fourth GeneralAssembly of the United Nations and wish successand good luck for Your Excellencyand the honorable Secretary General.

At the outset,I should like to commemoratethe freedom-seeking movement ofHossein(PBUH)and pay homage toall the freedom-seekersof the world who do not bow to oppression and aggression and tolerate all the hardship of the struggle for rights,as well as to the spirits ofall the oppressed martyrs of terrorist strikes andbombardmentin Yemen, Syria, Occupied Palestine, Afghanistan and other countries of the world.

Ladies and Gentlemen

The Middle East is burning in the flames of war, bloodshed, aggression, occupation and religious and sectarianfanaticismand extremism;Andunder such circumstances, the suppressed people of Palestine are the biggest victim.Discrimination, appropriation of lands, settlement expansions and killings continue to be practicedagainst the Palestinians.

The US and Zionist imposed planssuch as the deal of century, recognizing Beit-ulMoqaddasas the capital of the Zionist regime and the accession of the Syrian Golan to other occupied territories are doomed.

As against the US destructive plans, the Islamic Republic of Irans regional and international assistance and cooperation onsecurity andcounter-terrorismhave beenso much decisive.The clear example of such an approachis our cooperation with Russia and Turkey within the Astana format on the Syrian crisis and our peace proposal for Yemen in view of our active cooperation with the special envoys of the Secretary General of the United Nationsas well asour efforts tofacilitate reconciliation talks among the Yemen parties which resulted in the conclusion of the Stockholm peace accord onHodaydaPort.

Distinguished Participants

I hail from a country that hasresisted the most merciless economic terrorism,andhas defended its right to independence and science and technology development.The US government, while imposing extraterritorial sanctions and threats againstother nations,hasmade a lot of efforts todeprive Iran fromthe advantages ofparticipatinginthe global economy, and hasresorted to international piracyby misusing the international banking system.

We Iranians havebeen the pioneer offreedom-seeking movements in the region, while seeking peace and progress for our nation as well asneighbors; and we have neversurrenderedto foreign aggression and imposition.We cannot believe the invitation to negotiation ofpeople who claimto have applied the harshest sanctions of history against the dignity andprosperity of our nation.Howsomeone can believe that the silent killing of a great nation and pressure on the life of 83 million Iraniansarewelcomed by the American government officials who pride themselves on suchpressures andexploit sanctionsin an addictive manneragainst a spectrum of countries such as Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, China and Russia.The Iranian nation will never ever forgetand forgivethese crimes and criminals.

Ladies and Gentlemen

The attitudeof the incumbent US governmenttowards the nuclear deal or the JCPOA not only violatesthe provisions of the UN Security Council Resolution 2231, but also constitutesa breach of the sovereignty and political and economic independence of all the world countries.

In spite of the American withdrawal from theJCPOA,and for one year, Iran remained fully faithful to all its nuclear commitments in accordance with the JCPOA.Out of respect for the Security Council resolution,weprovidedEuropewith the opportunityto fulfill its 11 commitments made to compensate the US withdrawal.However, unfortunately,we only heard beautiful words while witnessing no effective measure.It has now become clear for all that the United Statesturns back to its commitments and Europe is unable and incapable of fulfilling its commitments.We even adopted a step-by-step approach in implementing paragraphs 26 and 36 of the JCPOA. And we remain committed to our promises in the deal. However, our patience has a limit; When the US does not respect the United Nations Security Council,and when Europe displays inability, the only way shall be to rely on national dignity, pride and strength.They callus to negotiation while they run away from treaties and deals.We negotiated with the incumbent US government on the 5+1 negotiating table; however,theyfailed to honor the commitmentmade bytheir predecessor.

On behalf ofmy nation and state, I would like to announce thatour response to any negotiation under sanctions is negative.The government and people of Iran have remained steadfast against the harshest sanctions in thepast one and a half years ago and will never negotiate withan enemy that seeks to make Iran surrender with the weapon of poverty, pressure and sanction.

If you require a positive answer, and as declared by the leader of the Islamic Revolution, the only wayfor talks to begin is return to commitmentsand compliance.

If you aresensitive tothename of the JCPOA, well, then youcan return to itsframework andabide by the UN Security Council Resolution 2231. Stop the sanctions so as to open the way for the start of negotiations.

I would like to make it crystal clear: If you are satisfied with the minimums, we will also convince ourselves with the minimums; either for you or for us.However, if you require more, you should also pay more.

If you stand on your word that you only have one demandfor Irani.e. non-production and non-utilization ofnuclearweapons, then it could easily be attained in view of the IAEA supervision and more importantly, with the fatwa of the Iranian leader.Instead of show of negotiation, you shall return to the reality of negotiation.Memorial photo is the last station of negotiation not the first one.

We in Iran, despite all the obstructions created by the US government, are keeping on the path of economic and social growth and prosperity. Irans economy in 2017, registered the highest economic growth rate in the world. And today, despite fluctuations emanating from foreigninterferencein the past one and a half years, we have returned to the trackof growth and stability. Irans gross domestic product minus oil has become positive again in recent months. And the trade balance of the country remains positive.

Distinguished Participants

Thesecurity doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran is based on the maintenance of peace and stability in the Persian Gulf and providing freedom of navigation and safety of movement in the Strait ofHurmoz.Recentincidents have seriouslyendangered suchsecurity. Security and peace in the Persian Gulf,Sea of Oman and the Strait of Hormuz could be provided with the participation of the countries of the region and the free flow of oil and other energy resources could be guaranteed provided thatwe consider security as an umbrella in all areas for all the countries.

Upon the historical responsibility of my country in maintaining security, peace, stability and progress in the Persian Gulf region and Strait of Hormuz, I should like to invite all the countries directly affected by the developments in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz to theCoalition for HopemeaningHormuz PeaceEndeavor.

The goal of the Coalition for Hopeis to promote peace, stability, progress and welfare for all the residentsof the Strait of Hormuz region and enhance mutual understanding and peaceful and friendly relations amongst them.

This initiative includes various venues for cooperationsuch asthecollective supply of energy security, freedom of navigation and free transfer of oil and other resources to and from the Strait of Hormuz and beyond.

The Coalition for Hope is based on important principles such as compliance withthe goals and principles of the United Nations,mutual respect, equal footing,dialogand understanding,respect to territorial integrity andsovereignty, inviolability of international borders,peaceful settlement of all differences,rejection of threat or resort to force and more importantly two fundamental principles of non-aggression and non-interference in the domesticaffairs of each other.The presence of the United Nations seems necessary for the creation ofan international umbrella in support of the Coalition for Hope.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran shall provide more details of the Coalition for Hopeto the beneficiary states.

Ladies and Gentlemen

The formation of any security coalition and initiative under any title in the region with the centrality and command of foreign forces is a clear example of interference in the affairs of the region. The securitization of navigation is in contraventionofthe right to free navigation and the right to development and wouldescalatetension,and morecomplication of conditions and increase of mistrustin the regionwhile jeopardizing regional peace, security and stability.

The security of the region shall be provided when American troops pull out. Security shall not be supplied withAmericanweapons and intervention. The United States, after 18 years, has failed to reduce acts of terrorism; However, the Islamic Republic of Iran, managed to terminate the scourge ofDaeshwith the assistance of neighboring nations and governments. The ultimate way towards peace and security in the Middle East passes through inward democracy and outward diplomacy. Security cannot be purchased or supplied by foreign governments.

The peace, security and independence of our neighbors are the peace, security and independence of us. America is not ourneighbor. This is the Islamic Republic of Iran which neighborsyou and we have been long taughtthat: Neighbor comes first,thencomes the house.In the event of an incident,you andweshall remain alone. We are neighbors with each other and not with the United States.

The United States islocated here, not in the Middle East. The United States is not the advocate of any nation; neither is it the guardian of any state. In fact, states do not delegate power of attorney to other states and do not give custodianship to others.If the flames of the fire of Yemenhavespread today to Hijaz,the warmonger should be searchedand punished; rather than leveling allegationsand grudgeagainst the innocence.The security of Saudi Arabiashall beguaranteed with the termination of aggression to Yemen rather than by invitingforeigners. We are ready to spend our national strength and regional credibility and international authority.

The solution for peace in the Arabian Peninsula,security in the Persian Gulfand stability in the Middle East should be sought inside the region rather than outside of it.The issues of the region are bigger and more important than the United Statesis ableto resolvethem. The United Stateshasfailed to resolve the issue in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria,and has been the supporter ofextremism,TalibanismandDaeshism. Such a government is clearly unable to resolve more sophisticated issues.

Distinguished Colleagues

Our region is on the edge of collapse, asa singleblunder can fuel a big fire. We shall not tolerate the provocative intervention of foreigners. We shall respond decisively and strongly to any sort of transgression to and violation of our security and territorial integrity. However, the alternative and proper solutionfor usis to strengthen consolidation among all the nationswith common interests in thePersian Gulfand the Hormuz region.

This is the message of the Iranian nation:

Lets invest on hope towards a better future rather thanin war andviolence. Lets return to justice; to peace;to law, commitment and treatyand the negotiating table. Lets come back to the United Nations.

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