4 Mar 2025
Monday 15 July 2013 - 18:28
Story Code : 39321

Change with Rouhani? Mousavian speaks with IPS

[caption id="attachment_13968" align="alignright" width="166"] Former Iran nuclear program negotiator[/caption]
The June 14 election of Hassan Rouhani, nicknamed the diplomatic sheik during his service as Irans chief nuclear negotiator from 2003-05, received hopeful celebrations inside Iran. But reaction from key world leaders has been much cooler.
While a July 13 Wall Street Journalreportclaims that the Obama administration will be seeking direct talks with its long-time adversary, it remains to be seen how far the U.S. will go to bring about a mutually acceptable agreement, and if Iran would accept it.

Israels Prime Minister, who has been warning that Iran is getting dangerously close to building a nuclear bomb formore than 2 decades, wants the U.S. to increase pressure on Iran while ramping up the military threat.

What is important is to convey to them, especially after the election, that that policy will not change. And that itll it be backed up by increasingly forceful sanctions and military action, Netanyahu said Sunday on CBSs Face the Nation.

But Washington has reportedly alreadyassuredthe Netanyahu government that it will not decrease pressure on Iran in the wake of Mr. Rouhanis win.

we have told the Israelis we intend to judge the Iranians according to their actions and not according to their words, an American official told the Israeli daily, Haaretz, on July 14.

According to AmbassadorSeyed Hossein Mousavian, a former spokesperson for Irans nuclear negotiators who worked closely with Mr. Rouhani, absent substantial modifications in Washingtons negotiating posture, little will change on the Iranian side.

IPS conducted the following interview with Amb. Mousavian, currently a research scholar at Princetons Woodrow Wilson School, on July 14.


Q:Yourarticlefor the Cairo Review, which was written 2 months before Mr. Rouhanis election, has generated a lot of discussion over the suggestion that one of Irans options is withdrawing from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Is Iran seriously considering this?

A:As I reiterated in the article published by the Cairo Review, the first and most favorable option for Iran is to continue seeking a peaceful resolution to the standoff. I explained the five major demands the P5+1 [U.S., Britain, France, China, and Russia plus Germany] made in recent nuclear talks to prevent Irans breakout capability and to ensure a maximum level of transparency. Iran, in return, had two major demands: lifting sanctions and recognizing Irans rights under the NPT. I have also proposed that the world powers and Iran place their demands within a package, to be implemented in a step-by-step manner with proportionate reciprocation.

Withdrawing from the NPT has never been Irans intention. The US and Israel have initiated all options on the table, leaving open the possibility of a military attack on Iranian nuclear facilities. This policy goes against the UN charter, the NPT, and non-proliferation, where nuclear-armed states the U.S. and Israel are threatening to attack Iran, a non-nuclear weapon state. Therefore, as long as the U.S. policy of all options on the table remains valid, Iran as a sovereign state is forced to also have all options on the table.

Q:The Obama administration claims that Iran has not responded formally to the confidence-building offer made in Almaty, Kazakhstan in February. In your opinion, why havent they, and do you expect a formal reply after Mr. Rouhanis inauguration?

A:The P5+1 proposal in Almaty sought maximum demands and provided the minimum in return. Rouhanis administration would be ready for a fair and balanced deal, comprising all the major demands of both parties based on the NPT, placed within a package and implemented in a step-by-step plan with proportionate reciprocation.

Q: Is recognizing Irans right to enrich uranium a precondition to a negotiated solution?

A: It would be part of the package deal explained above.

Q:There are forces in Congress that would like to implement more sanctions on Iran before Mr. Rouhani is inaugurated. What effect can this have on prospects for the negotiations?

A:Iran would never take calls for direct talks and engagement serious as long as the U.S. continues its sanction and pressure policy. If Washington is genuinely seeking rapprochement, it needs to demonstrate that through an act of goodwill instead of through increased hostilities and animosity. Iranians place importance on U.S. actions, not just words.

Q:Whats the balance of forces as you see them in Iran with respect to those who want to take a hardline on the nuclear issue and those who are in favor of a greater flexibility, and what is the effect of sanctions on this internal debate?

A:There are two schools of thought in Iran with respect to the nuclear approach, but there is no dispute on Irans right to peaceful nuclear technology that includes enrichment. The P5+1 and Western approach toward Irans nuclear dossier does however play an important role in the balance of these two schools of thought.

During the nuclear talks from 2003 to 2005 with the three European powers [UK, France and Germany], when I was a member of the negotiating team, Iran demonstrated far-reaching overtures to resolve the nuclear dispute. Iran implemented the maximum level of transparency a member-state of NPT can commit to by accepting the Additional Protocol and Subsidiary Arrangement. We also demonstrated Irans readiness to commit to all confidence building measures, assuring the peaceful nature of the nuclear programforever. Regrettably, Iran and its European counterparts failed to reach a final agreement because the US continued to deny the legitimate rights of Iran under the NPT. The US inflexibility and position altered the balance of forces in Iran toward those in favor of radicalism. Therefore, if the West seeks cooperation and flexibility from Iran, it has to respond proportionally and appropriately.

The sanctions policy is only good for a lose-lose game. The Iranian nation has suffered from the sanctions, while the West has suffered from the dramatic increase of Irans enrichment-capacity and level. Once sanctions were implemented, Iran increased the number of centrifuges from 3,000 to 12,000, the level of enrichment from 3.5% to 20%, the stockpile of enriched uranium increased approximately 800% and so on.

Q:Mr. Rouhani referred to Israel as Israel rather than by any other name in his first press conference as president-elect. In your opinion, do you think this portends a new approach by Mr. Rouhani? What could it look like?

A:Dr. Rouhani is not a man of radical rhetoric. He is courteous and logical and respects international norms and regulations. The key to resolving the dispute with Iran depends on whether the traditional Western policies of pressure, sanctions, threats and humiliating Iran will change to those based on respect, mutual interests and cooperation with Rouhanis administration.

Q: In your view, what caused the Iranian government to reject the TRR fuel swap proposal in 2009 and subsequently accept it when Turkey and Brazil came forward as intermediaries in 2010?

A: Iran never rejected the TRR fuel swap of October 2009. Iran was asking for the simultaneous exchange of fuel for enriched uranium. The West was instead demanding the immediate delivery of Iranian enriched uranium with the fuel only provided to Iran after 2 years. However, in December 2009, through Mohammad ElBaradei, Iran offered a direct deal between Tehran and Washington, where Iran would deliver the enriched stockpile immediately and receive the fuel rods after two years. This concession from Iran was to open a door for direct talks and make a deal with the U.S. The U.S declined the offer. After that Iran signed the deal with Turkey and Brazil because the U.S. president encouraged the Turkish Prime Minister and Brazilian president to reach an agreement. Yet again, the U.S. declined to support the deal and instead pressed ahead with sanctions on Iran.

Q: Why should the world have confidence in Iran now when it is believed that for many years Iran pursued a policy of concealment as Mr. ElBaradei once put it?

A: In 1975, Germany signed a contract to build a nuclear power plant in Bushehr, Iran, and was paid approximately 7.8 billion DM. The project was 90% completed at the time of the 1979 Revolution. Soon after the revolution, the Wests policy toward Iran was aimed at denying Irans right to a civilian nuclear power plant a clear violation of NPT.

In 1976, France signed a contract with Iran worth $1.2 billion to produce the fuel for the Bushehr nuclear power plant on French soil. Once again, following the revolution, the West transgressed Irans right to access the international fuel market, in clear violation of the NPT. Such Western policies pushed Iran toward self-sufficiency. Moreover, during Iraqs invasion of Iran (1980-88), the US and European powers provided the materials and technology for Saddam Husseins use of chemical weapons against Iran, killing and injuring about 100,000 Iranians. With such a history, can Iran have confidence in the West?

By Lobe Log


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