20 Sep 2024
Thursday 5 December 2013 - 15:34
Story Code : 69432

‘Hunter Iran remarks monstrous, inhuman’

Press TV has interviewed Richard Becker, with the ANSWER Coalition from Sacramento, to discuss the latest statements by a hawkish US Congressman urging Washington to nuke Iran.
What follows is a rough transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Mr. Becker how much credibility or how much importance do you think we should give to Mr. Hunter’s comments?

Becker: We have to say that these kind of comments bring to mind words like monstrous and appalling, inhuman, to be able to talk that way about launching a massive nuclear war against another country, a country which has not threatened the United States, has not invaded any other countries unlike the United States, which has invaded two of Iran’s neighbors, Iraq and Afghanistan, just in the last decade or so.

It is really a reflection of this warmongering spirit that… benefits the big corporations, the banks and the military industrial corporations, who profit from war.

Press TV: So then should we see these sorts of statements as rhetoric or should we see this as the US foreign policy?

Becker: Well, I think unfortunately in the Congress, in the Senate and we do not know if this will go through, but there is a serious attempt being made to impose even more draconian sanctions, essentially preventing Iran from exporting oil altogether, if they had the way.

This is the serious move in Congress and it would mean that the deal that was just reached, the six-month deal, would break down in all likelihood, and if it does break down then the possibility, the potential of a new war is very real.

…and we also have to take into account this phrase that is used all the time by these leaders, so-called leaders, no boots on the ground, no American boots on the ground; that is meant to communicate to the people of the United States that there will not be US casualties, all the casualties will be on the otherwise because they know that a new war in the Middle East in very unpopular.

We in the ANSWER Coalition reject this idea altogether. We consider the lives of the people in the world to be of equal value.

By Press TV


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