This appears to be the result of a propaganda blitz by the Israelis. [Israeli Prime Minister] Benjamin Netanyahu is terrified that there might be a diplomatic solution to the tensions with Iran which were never justified to begin with, James Fetzer, a professor at the University of Minnesota Duluth, said in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday.
Last month, Senators Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Mark Kirk (R-IL) introduced the sanctions bill against Iran, which would require further reduction in Irans oil exports.
About 48 senators have supported the bill. The White House, however, has said President Barack Obama will veto the bill if it passes.
Fetzer noted that the Senate would be unable to master 60 votes in support of such a ridiculous proposition especially when the sides are on the verge of reaching a historic agreement which is long, long overdue.
The new initiative in the Senate is at odds with an interim deal reached between Iran and six world powers -- the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany -- regarding Tehrans nuclear energy program in Geneva on November 24, 2013.
Under the deal, the six countries undertook to provide Iran with some sanctions relief in exchange for Iran agreeing to limit certain aspects of its nuclear activities during a six-month period. It was also agreed that no nuclear-related sanctions would be imposed on Iran within the same timeframe.
By Press TV
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